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  1. Folly's place

    Cat - My Experience Treating Panleukopenia

    Probably penicillin and dexamethasone. Mary You beat me to it!
  2. Folly's place

    Cat - My Experience Treating Panleukopenia

    Forgot to mention the issue of an owner being bitten by this cat while being medicated. Also not good, and can be very serious. Spent a weekend in the hospital myself over a cat bite! Mary
  3. Folly's place

    Cat - My Experience Treating Panleukopenia

    The author bring up good points, very true. Having myself owned cats that couldn't be given oral meds at home, I can understand that it can be difficult for some cats and their owners to manage. And a vomiting kitten with diarrhea isn't a good candidate for oral meds! And cats do better at home...
  4. Folly's place

    Cat - My Experience Treating Panleukopenia

    Where there are multiple cat colonies, and no vaccinations, nearly entire colonies would die in an outbreak. From 30+ to maybe two or three, in a short time. Ugly!!! And we can all be very greatful that when this virus mutated to dogs, it wasn't to us!!! Mary
  5. Folly's place

    Cat - My Experience Treating Panleukopenia

    Continuing this thread hijack: ticks, including new species with new diseases, are moving into many places that previously had few or none. Sorry, @casportpony , back to your kitten, still doing well? Mary
  6. Folly's place

    Cat - My Experience Treating Panleukopenia

    I disagree here: the canine Lyme vaccines are pretty good. Dogs already infected may be different story. And it's not a nice disease, for those individuals who get sick. Why no human vaccine yet? There was briefly one in the early 2000"s, which went away for lack of demand. New ones in...
  7. Folly's place

    Cat - My Experience Treating Panleukopenia

    Call and ask, both your vet and the TNR group. You need to understand what was done, and when each thing expires. Abbreviations can be so confusing! Mary
  8. Folly's place

    Cat - My Experience Treating Panleukopenia

    If it was only Lyme disease! Ticks can carry so many other 'interesting' diseases! Mary
  9. Folly's place

    Cat - My Experience Treating Panleukopenia

    Feline Leukemia causes immune suppression, and some cancers, and does shorten lives. The vaccine is pretty good, not 100%, but pretty good. Cats with FeLeuk get sicker with whatever they are exposed to, not so good for them. FIV is the other immune suppressive virus affecting cats, and it's...
  10. Folly's place

    Cat - My Experience Treating Panleukopenia

    So glad he's doing well! Your nursing care made all the difference, very good work. And there's no 'one size fits all' when it comes to force feeding, volumes, or frequency. Sometimes it's possible to do more at once, sometimes much less, more often. And definitely some pictures, especially...
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