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  1. coach723

    Chick injured her leg and can’t stand

    Sometimes, even with the best vet care, they can't be helped. It's never wrong to end suffering. Since you had seen no improvement at all, it was a logical decision. It's always hard, especially when they are little or young. I'm sorry it came to that. :hugs
  2. coach723

    Chick injured her leg and can’t stand

    I would recommend that you have her necropsied, to know for sure, if you lose her or euthanize. Is this a crested bird, silkie, silkie mix, polish etc? They are very prone to head injury due to the vaulted skull, so that may be the issue rather than the leg, the leg may just be a symptom...
  3. coach723

    Chick injured her leg and can’t stand

    Is the other leg normal? Will her toes grip or try to grip if you put your finger under her foot and press up? You can use a chicken sling for periods, to help her stay upright, eat, drink and poop more normally, and help let the leg rest. I will attach pictures below of examples. Normally...
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