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  1. P

    Hey guys.. me again. Have a limping lady

    Thank you. Yes. It’s her left one. She’s limping harder this morning. Unfortunately, we don’t really have a second area for her this time of year so she’s got to sit inside for now. Thank you though 🙏🏻 it’s always something with these ladies 🤣 what a learning curve
  2. P

    Hey guys.. me again. Have a limping lady

    I did my best to get a video 🤣 she’s not limping super hard right now, but I assume that’s because of the pain meds. I hope these are good enough 😩 I can try again in the morning if/when she’s back to limping hard. Her legs are black so I can’t really see any different coloration...
  3. P

    Hey guys.. me again. Have a limping lady

    Hello! Firstly, I’ll tell you guys that my lady who lost the back of her neck is doing wonderfully. We put her outside on days it’s not freezing and she’s all but totally healed. The whole ordeal also made her our nicest chicken so she hangs out with us and invites herself inside 🤣 are ISA...
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