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  1. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    I suspected mereks from the beginning, I wouldn’t give anyone a bird from my flock just by speculation. However, I now stock up on these vaccines so I have it available for hatching. I’ll have to really plan my hatches this summer to get the most out of this vaccine since it’s only good when...
  2. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    This is what I was thinking from the beginning, I should probably cull her
  3. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    She is only resting on one hock not both. By equal I mean not swollen..looking the same
  4. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    I didn’t get a pic of both legs but they seemed equal. No puss or cuts…maybe it’s a slipped tendon. I pulled her leg back but I couldn’t figure it out. I had her splint off yesterday but I redid it today but with twigs on the side to keep it straight. The only antibiotic I have is a sulfa...
  5. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    I tried to wrap her but she was Freaking out, so I unwrapped her. I put her in a smaller space hoping that rest will help. I will be tube feeding her and giving her antibiotics/water via tube. I have five days to devote to this. If I had a sling I would put her in it so her leg could...
  6. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    She is the third pic
  7. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    She’s not eating or drinking, I’m still feeding her. She pecks through the food And makes a mess though. Do you think if I was to sprinkle in an antibiotic it would be helpful?
  8. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    It’s her hock joint that’s swollen. I’ll have to research this. Maybe it’s a slipped tendon! I’m going to go feel and wrap it. I’m also going to sprinkle anti biotics in the food I’m feeding her.
  9. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    After I fed her tonight, I let her walk so I could evaluate her. This is how she is favoring her leg she walks on it like this.
  10. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    She has mash, pellets, crumblesto her accessibility. I only use all flock since my crew is a wide range of cuties. When I came home from work her crop was not full so I fed her. After I fed her I let her walk around the coop. She was 90% better!! I’m so glad!! I’ll keep her in the cage for...
  11. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    She didn’t eat on her own so I still tube fed her. She messes with her feed, so it’s all over the place. Her limp is there still. I just got her the b complex pill, all I had was b 12 paste. So I’ll give it awhile, she doesn’t mind the tube feeding. At least she isn’t loosing weight and her...
  12. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    I checked yesterday when I got home from work around 4 and she still had an empty crop. I’ll see how she does today!
  13. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    Yes all flock! The purple bag lol! She’s doing somewhat better today I feed her 3 times a day. Tomorrow my actual tube feeder comes in the mail. Poops are looking great doesn’t appear to be loosing weight, I’ll keep at it
  14. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    Her poop looks normal, I cought it early. Normal urates no green bile. No I have not added new birds. My problems came about when I added two ayam ceramies to my flock last spring. I did isolate them for a month. I’ll start the b complex today! For now she has rooster booster vitamins and...
  15. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    I have two windows inside my coop that I keep open about 4 inches. It provides nice ventilation . There isn’t much build up of poop inside the coop. When I head out I’ll snap a picture I also have a dehumidifier running to pull any moisture to avoid mold I have been feeding them pellets...
  16. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    I have barn Matt’s covered with straw once I remove the barn Matts it’s easy to clean
  17. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    There is waste everywhere, I clean my coop once a week. I make sure the feed is clean as well as the water stations (since I also had cocci this year). Twice a year I power wash it and disinfect it. I also spray to prevent mites. Girls get wormed twice a year as well.
  18. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    I have 6 feeding stations and two water stations for 25 birds. It has to be mereks there is no other possible explanation. Every bird has a full crop at night, it’s like one every 4 weeks goes through this. Really upsetting
  19. Chey1214

    I’m devistated

    My prize bird I noticed has had an empty crop at night. I’m crazy I feel every birds crop before I go to bed so I can get an idea of their health, I noticed her crop has been empty, I think it’s because one of my bantams protects the food. I stay in there and let her eat and toss away any bird...
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