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  1. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hi. Since yesterday, just after having cleaned some of my coops, I have had to keep Apache confined in an 1,80 x 3,60 meters run... I actually have no problem with him, but when I was cleaning the coops yesterday morning, I decided it was time to put the two roosters together, in order to see...
  2. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hello. I have very good news : Apache is now seemingly ENTIRELY recovered. Indeed : today, he did get in and out of an Eglu Cube alone, in spite of the fact he could not get past the door to enter whatever Eglu coop not so long ago... (...I was surprised to hear Apache cooing inside of the...
  3. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hi. I just took pictures of Apache, so here : Boy is still home for the time being, given the person who is going to retrieve him prefers to have some hens for him first... and they are going to have them tomorrow! After what, they will contact me for the meeting... Amazingly, Apache has...
  4. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hi. Good news today : I found someone willing to adopt Apache. This person has contacted me today after reading my add, so they know about Apache's condition, need (a coop with a big entrance), and aggressiveness... They even send me a picture of their coop, and it looks really great, and I...
  5. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hello! Apache has been a very happy rooster today : indeed, I put him in the same space with the hens! What happened is : I had to isolate Rocky today : his face has been swollen these last few days (especially on the left side), and I don't know if it is because of corryza (he was sneezing...
  6. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hi. I just took pictures of Apache, so - to give some news about him... here : Does he not look so handsome, now he is almost completely recevored...? I'm so proud of him...!! He was following me like the dog he thinks he is, then he decided to go look to the newest ducklings : These...
  7. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hello! Yeah... but I did not expect that from him : not only he is a Brahma, and so supposed to be gentle... but he also (still) is my most educated rooster, and the only one that actually like to be petted! He is smart and affective, and the fact he now attacks humans feels weird... (I was...
  8. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hi! Good news : I can now confirm Apache is really able to mate! Indeed : yesterday, my Sussex hen got in his part of the yard, and boy actually has run after her and then mated with her! Now, only things he needs to do is (still) gain some weight, and find a mean to both bend down and move...
  9. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hi! No big news to update to this day... Rocky and Apache still can not get along : Rocky keeps attacking Apache, and Apache is now much too a coward to even fight back. ...But at least, when he attacks Apache, it does not look like Rocky is trying to kill him...? So, I am still keeping them...
  10. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hi! Apache continues to attack, but weird thing is : boy bites me, but headbutts my father...! A rooster is not meant to headbutt, and if ever he does - or did - so when we don't see him... I think we just really found the reason of his (formerly) so bad condition...? I already thought a wound...
  11. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hi! God... Rocky and the hens have gone in Apache's part of the garden yesterday afternoon...!! Don't know how, but one door used for the separation had been opened; so Rocky and the hens had had access to the whole garden... And by the time I realized it...? The two boys had already met. I...
  12. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hi. For now, Apache is still home, because I am being careful about who I give him to... (I don't trust some people to not cull him, then eat him...) He has been recovering really fast since he has been able to run again, and he also is still gaining weight - and I'm pretty sure this weight is...
  13. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Lonely, I don't know : Apache has one hen that visits him everyday in his part of the garden, and one that did until she decided she was going to be broody soon... And he also can see the other hens, and communicate with them; so... But frustated? Oh yeah he clearly is...! Spring is here, after...
  14. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hello. To again post news about Apache... The next day after my last post, Apache has been trying to mate with my Appenzeller hen - Punky. (She had jumped in his part of the garden...) He has been able to chase her without any problem, in spite of his condition - running and all -, but... he...
  15. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hi. So : now, it would seem like Apache is able to run again. I have several broody hens, and in the early afternoon, I had to get one of them out of her coop... and girl was nooooooot happy, and complaining loudly and flapping her wings... So, Apache - hearing her voice - has come running...
  16. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    I could, yes... but before that, I would need to adjust some things in my garden : for now, each (THREE) part is occupied, since I also had to separate my ducks in different flocks so I could avoid to make the drakes reproduce with their daughters/sisters... For the time being, since Apache is...
  17. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hi! Thank you. Apache is still isolated in his part of his garden, alone... : I tried to put him in with Rocky and the hens, three days ago... but Rocky did not want Apache with them...!! He attacked him, again; so I am still keeping them separated for now... (Apache will not defend himself -...
  18. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hello! So... again, I took my time to post news about Apache... because I actually had nothing new to report...! But now, I am just going to say that : Apache was almost, ALMOST running yesterday...! I actually have brought home five new hens three days ago, and... they are isolated in a run...
  19. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hello. Apache is eating his first apple since... November or December (I don't remember)...! I did give him one not long ago - counting here in weeks -, but he was not interested then... But now...? I just gave him a red apple, and he is so happy and apparently finds it so delicious he...
  20. Papaye

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Hmmmm... Apache and Rocky can at least see each other all day long... For now, I feel lucky, because at least, Rocky is not even acting a tiny bit aggressive in spite of the fact Apache is still a bit weak...! But when I will let Apache free-range with him and the hens...? I will totally...
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