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  1. BluSkitzLoloJuaniTivaIndi

    Unknown/Unidentified Illness

    I had no idea about pulling on the wattles!! It's been a battle whenever I try to get her beak open - huge tip right there!! I have checked her vent twice, inserting my gloved & lubricated index finger up to the 2nd knuckle and I feel absolutely nothing there. Keep in mind that's the first...
  2. BluSkitzLoloJuaniTivaIndi

    Unknown/Unidentified Illness

    And hello to you! I've tried the yolk and just turns her beak up. Should I force it using a syringe w/o needle and drop it down the hatch so to speak? I do have nutri drench and she's all about drinking so thinking that won't be a problem. Thank you!!!
  3. BluSkitzLoloJuaniTivaIndi

    Unknown/Unidentified Illness

    I'll run to CVS first thing in the morning - I know they carry the calcium citrate w/ d3. Pray I can get her to take any of these options! Thank you SOOOOO very much!!
  4. BluSkitzLoloJuaniTivaIndi

    Unknown/Unidentified Illness

    She won't eat any feed of any sort just now - I've tried everything. I do have coconut oil so will give that a shot!! I've been massaging her crop each time I check it in circular motions with the olive oil but haven't tried Monistat so that'll be next up. Is Tums the right option for...
  5. BluSkitzLoloJuaniTivaIndi

    Unknown/Unidentified Illness

    Sorry I thought I posted what we fed - layer crumble as they want it, layer mash 3x/wk, barley fodder 1x/week, grubs 2x/week (live or dried), scratch 1x/wk - they also have oyster shell as they want it. Recently, she gets her crop checked morning, afternoon, and before bed - mornings it's empty...
  6. BluSkitzLoloJuaniTivaIndi

    Unknown/Unidentified Illness

    Hello! First time posting, first time chicken Momma. I have a 6-month-old Barred Plymouth Rock hen who is in a bad way, and I cannot figure it out! Here's what's been happening: Skitlz began to lay eggs on Christmas Eve - so exciting! - but then stopped around January 4th. I have done an...
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