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  1. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    I'll try in the morning. I have my camera set up.
  2. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    YES! My husband thought it crowed, and I assured him it was probably a chick that got pecked or something. Then I watched, and he did the whole posture and movement of a crow. I was shocked! We have a batch of 12 week old bantams that crowed at 3 weeks, and I thought that was really early...
  3. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    One of my little chicks is a definite roo. At 3 days old, he is crowing!!! If I catch him again, I'll video and post it. I have never heard of them crowing that young. Have any of y'all?
  4. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Thanks, Prim. They are from the roo I got from you! They are for sale by the way. Forgot to mention that. That's the main reason I posted all the pics. 7 chicks. Come get them and if you'd like, make a donation for the food. I really don't have the room for them. 41 chickens is just too...
  5. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Angelicisi, I think it's a golden laced wyandotte. We have 2. Beautiful birds. We just hatched a batch of mixed chicks, just because we let a broody sit. We don't have room for them, but the kids love watching them hatch and holding those little fuzzy butts! There are 7. 4 are the golden...
  6. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Hey guys, been a while and there is no way to catch up on all these posts! I was hoping to find a group of bantam chicks to go with one little serama that hatched under the hen. Long story short, she was sitting on a dozen eggs, I left town, kids and husband freak out when it hatched, brought...
  7. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    I need to borrow some for a while. We have a momma and baby opossum that have been walking our yard. The chickens are locked up tight with 1/4 in hardware cloth, but it's messing with my fall garden!
  8. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    We have (my daughter has) some seramas for sale. Let me know if you want me to PM you pics. They are 20 weeks old. None of the hens are laying yet, but the roos are all crowing! We have 1 hen and several roos for sale.
  9. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Our little seramas are handling the heat just fine not even panting while all the LF are panting heavily with wings slightly out. We still have some seramas for sale - trios or single roos if anyone is interested.
  10. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    anyone here interested in Seramas? My 13 y.o. daughter got 9 chicks recently and 6 of those are roos! She has paid for all their upkeep and brooding cage and was hoping someone would make an offer on some. They are handled often and are really tame. She is willing to part with one pullet if...
  11. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Is guinea like quail in flavor? My husband ordered some at a restaurant, well, a trio of chicken, quail, and rabbit, and I thought it was going to taste gamey like dove. It was actually very good. Much more delicate than dove and not gamey. Once we move to acreage, we will have to rethink...
  12. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    I think I have my first broody (10 weeks too late). She has been puffing up and sticking her wings out at anyone that got close to her for a good week now and she has been staying in the nest boxes almost all day yesterday and today. I take her egg and anyone else's that happen to be under her...
  13. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    If you haven't found any takers, I'll take him. We have 10 6 week olds that he can play with. We are just south of BR.
  14. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    That's what I'm thinking. Thanks for the input. My girls have been panting in their nesting boxes this week and I'm thinking the new coop needed better air flow. I'm excited about our new coop. We've been working since Easter on it (with a few breaks here and there) but the chickies need a home!
  15. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Is there such a thing as too much ventilation in a Louisiana coop? I have two sides of my 4X8 coop that have 1-2 foot hardware cloth at the top of the walls and am thinking of the 3rd wall with at least a foot or so also. The 4th wall (one of the 8 foot) will be all wood. I will be getting...
  16. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Have not heard of them. We have to go out of town for 1.5 days, so when we return and they are all still cheeping, I'll check it out. I got some Cellular Silver from the vet and have been giving them that. Hopefully it will have some effect. They have been quiet and not shaking their heads...
  17. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Love the logo and my opinion on the breed is EE also. I have an update on my chicks that were (are still) shaking their heads. They were already put together when I realized what they were doing. I figured they all had mites already. BUT, I've never been able to see the mites. I've changed...
  18. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    I used towels for the first two weeks, but switched to shavings when I combined the 8 with the two new ones. I will be dusting 10 3-4 week olds. They were in a big plastic tub, but now that they are bigger and more of them, I put them in the bathtub. I have only had 3 or 4 at a time before...
  19. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Do you think the DE is enough? Eyes and mouth is where the mites congregate? Should I go to towels under the chicks or stick with the shavings? Thanks!
  20. LAchickenMESS

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Question for the wise, experienced among us. : Does anyone know at what age I can dust my chicks? A neighbor brought two chicks by my house that her friend couldn't care for (impulse buy at TSC for her kids that she regretted). I kept them separated for 3 days and they seemed healthy. I put...
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