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  1. BDutch

    What your chickens can and can't eat!

    Bing (AI) just crawls the internet for what is written online. If 100 people have written its wrong to give unboiled rice, and 90 say its okay (including scientific reports with a low SEO) -> Bing is probably telling you it’s dangerous. Bing is not reliable. Wikipedia is checked by people with...
  2. BDutch

    What your chickens can and can't eat!

    The laying hybrids and broilers of today are not the same kind of chickens as the Jungle fowl and Red jungle fowl from Asia. Survival of the most commercial breeds/types of chickens changed the weight gain (broilers) and laying capacity in the first two years (laying hybrids) enormously. It...
  3. BDutch

    What your chickens can and can't eat!

    ;) You should be glad, it’s still winter you know. A sound hen knows spring is a better season to become broody.
  4. BDutch

    What your chickens can and can't eat!

    The cheap -non organic- commercial pellet and crumble feed in my country always contains GMO soy and GMO corn. It contains fairly high amount of poison residues used to grow these crops. In the commercial -non organic- chicken industry it doesn't lead to the dead chickens who get killed when...
  5. BDutch

    What your chickens can and can't eat!

    Missing grass clippings , many herbs and weeds and other things from the garden in the list. Also grapes, plums and some other fruits are missing.
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