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  1. Chikenshiken

    What your chickens can and can't eat!

    I also can’t find any information on preservatives used on any cut meat like steak cuts etc but only on deli meat which is meant to have a longer shelf life etc. Also from what I seen doesn’t Walmart and sams club both have a butcher that cuts the meat fresh in the back? Well I know this for...
  2. Chikenshiken

    What your chickens can and can't eat!

    I also find wetting the food, regardless about all the rice grain expanding controversies, that it just cuts down on food waste by a TON! My chickens used to kick out all their pellets and eat them on the ground and then wouldn’t eat them again, cheeky babies. But I started wetting their food...
  3. Chikenshiken

    What your chickens can and can't eat!

    I’m a firm believer that meat is such an important part of a chickens diet, in the end they are omnivores for a reason 😅. I think most people are swayed against feeding their chicken meat because it’s “weird” but they probably eat a lot of critters we don’t even see
  4. Chikenshiken

    What your chickens can and can't eat!

    I think my chickens might be really dumb because the onetime I decided to grow tomato plants they would not stop trying to snack on the leaves 🙄 LOL
  5. Chikenshiken

    What your chickens can and can't eat!

    I am wondering the same. We feed our chickens dried corn all the time, dried pellets. I personally soak my pellets (because my chickens kick it out if I don’t 🙄) but if we are talking realistically, pellets swell WAY larger then any grain of rice would ever get
  6. Chikenshiken

    What your chickens can and can't eat!

    I’m Filipino and it’s pretty customary to give your chickens dry rice as a treat. I don’t personally but my chickens LOVE cooked rice as a little snack if I have any leftover ☺️
  7. Chikenshiken

    What your chickens can and can't eat!

    I feel like a better one is just to be specific at the start of the post that all veggies that have yes next to them are unseasoned etc. I mean you could always cook kale by just boiling it. I dunno I just don’t want to deter someone from giving kale because of a maybe when it’s actually a very...
  8. Chikenshiken

    What your chickens can and can't eat!

    Maybe you should specify that. To me it’s like saying maybe to *veggie* because it could be seasoned but honestly when I think of kale or any greens I just think of raw uncooked raw greens 🤔 I’ve never even season pre seasoned kale in the store but I could be wrong!
  9. Chikenshiken

    What your chickens can and can't eat!

    Why a maybe with the kale? Just wondering, been feeding my babies kale as a snack since they were chicks with no problem they actually go pretty crazy for it
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