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  1. Amelia Egghart


    My big boy had a rough morning. He only got 10 minutes of belly scritches today instead of 15. Please pray for him.
  2. Amelia Egghart


    Please check the cfda site for official facts and maps regarding vND. If you are in a quarantine zone, do not move your birds and take all precautions. If you are near a quarantine zone, it's best practice to behave as if you are quarantined. Let's do our part to eliminate this disease. Remember...
  3. Amelia Egghart


    I don't know that area but I've had good luck at meeting people who will butcher at farmer's markets and through local Facebook groups. When you find someone let us know!
  4. Amelia Egghart


    Aww I love Phoenixes! What color variety do you have? So there were 6 new cases of vND last week but I wouldn't call that slowing down yet. What area are you in? If you're not in a quarantine zone you're allowed to sell but I'd play it safe and just sell to people in your immediate area. Or...
  5. Amelia Egghart


    Where in san diego? You can still move birds in sd but please be extremely careful.
  6. Amelia Egghart


    Hi there from San Diego! :welcome
  7. Amelia Egghart


    Foster Farms depopulated in Ontario. Maybe we'll see vND in the news now that it's hit somewhere "important." :he
  8. Amelia Egghart


    I have ten and six of them are trained with voice and hand signals and very very close to me. One rooster is a house bird. The other rooster is like a dog and follows me everywhere, loves belly rubs, falls asleep on me, etc. I can have up to 24, I believe. But I'm not expanding until this is over.
  9. Amelia Egghart


    2019, for me at least, is looking like a sit tight and wait it out kind of year. I can't imagine having to put my birds down. I hope this ends soon.
  10. Amelia Egghart


    Hey there! Stay away from riverside/San Bernadino/LA counties. There's a serious outbreak of Newcastle disease in those counties and they're having mandatory euthanasia of all poultry. Are you in Fallbrook? There's a Facebook group called Fallbrook Chickens & Farm you can join. The local feed...
  11. Amelia Egghart


    Hey there! Upland is in one of the Newcastle quarantine counties. Check with CDFA before telling the kids you're getting chicks. There might be a moratorium for a bit. This is a serious outbreak.
  12. Amelia Egghart


    The threat from urban sprawl is worse for me at the moment. It's a two front war between displaced city folk and displaced coyotes. No more open, rolling hillsides anymore. :( The threat of Newcastle is so horrific I can't even think about it. And it's just a few miles away. Uuuuugh.
  13. Amelia Egghart


    Freaked out seeing the videos but it is what it is. At least it kills fast. Keeping everyone healthy and safe per normal and just hoping hoping hoping it doesn't spread any further. I had considered hatching this spring but I think I'll wait for this to pass. Definitely not adding or moving any...
  14. Amelia Egghart


    Hey y'all! I haven't posted here in a while. Just wanna say WELCOME to all the new members and howdy to everyone else! It's been in the 30s here in Fallbrook. Anyone else? Here's my Faverolles practicing Cold Yoga:
  15. Amelia Egghart


    There's local breeders of CCLs. Someone just hatched a whole bunch recently in Escondido or Ramona, I can't remember. They're pretty easy to find nowadays, if you don't want to pay shipping!
  16. Amelia Egghart


    Ugh! I want these! But I have ZERO space. I'm at the point where if I got any more I'd be a hoarder. Hah. I'll ask around to my non BYC friends. Such cuties.
  17. Amelia Egghart


    Yikes :( did you let them know? I've found them to be very receptive to feedback.
  18. Amelia Egghart


    Worms! This is my first year dealing with WORMS! Round worms, in fact. I used Safeguard paste for this round at the local breeder's recommendation. What's everyone else's method?
  19. Amelia Egghart


    :( I love my coop from them. Wasn't impressed with their Easter Eggers though. What was your mortality rate/age? Right now I have birds from Cackle, Privett, Meyer, a private breeder and home hatch. I've lost two Cackle birds to tumors, one related to Marek's, the other ovarian. Waiting to see...
  20. Amelia Egghart


    Wow. Some great breeds there. And yes, they ARE fascinating. Congrats getting started and if you have any questions, BYC is a good place to start!
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