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  1. flower


    Top egg Wyandotte, middle egg Marans, bottom Easter Egger
  2. flower


    Wanted some silkie eggs for hatching. Anyone have any to sell ? I could pick them up in or around the Lancaster Palmdale area. Or even Pasadena or thereabout.
  3. flower


  4. flower


    It works !
  5. flower


    Try asking her questions about her youth and see if her distant memory is working . I always found it fun to listen to stories about my mothers youth. That is before she developed Alzheimer's. Then it became more difficult. During the ride, maybe you could pretnd that you are asleep.
  6. flower


    Hey gussie398 Hey make the best of your trip to Wisconsin ! When you have no control of a situation it is a good idea to see if you can learn something even if is to learn empathy. For example, if you live long enough, you get OLD.
  7. flower


    My little hen who is a NN that I hatched from shipped eggs year before last. exploring my camera bag. Well this is the best I have right now ? Does anyone want to make a judgement ? Does this tiny NN hen have Serama in her ? Do Sue and I resemble each other ?
  8. flower


    WOW froggiesheins Sue when i saw that post of the picture of you grinning I actually thought that the picture was me ! I am not kidding ! It is just the photograph as you know if we stood side by side no one would mistake us for sisters. So in the fall when then next meet up is less...
  9. flower


    HELMET for your head yes Hemet I mean you ! And you are not ? (an enabler) psst
  10. flower


    I like your avatar picture and would love to see it enlarged. You have lots of company in Ramona and there is a hugh show there June2 . Actually two, one is BYC and the other is a national Serama...
  11. flower


  12. flower


    Darn did I get it wrong ? And I know better also .................I'm not a bad boy just a dummy !
  13. flower


    Well I guess that I am confusing the bad guy with the coop builder but some one on here does build them for sale. Susan will pop in and tell us the answer.
  14. flower


    My suggestion would be to try to visit folks and inspect their set ups and think of what you like and do not like about them. I have been building my own and continue to adapt them as I find and learn improvements. You see what you like after you use them. But if you can not wait that long you...
  15. flower


    We are friendly and almost anything is discussed within reason. susan likes to talk about beer and having beer kegs at the meet-up but she is just jossing. Some one on the thread makes home brew !
  16. flower


    Susan where are your glasses...........darkfox is not old enough to drink alcohol. She will stunt her growth.
  17. flower


    PollyAnn Keep reading and reading and soon you will find some one nearby with chicks for you. Search the "buy.sell trade" and the "swap" pages. Try to buy from some one who keeps a clean flock ! Do you have some experience with chickens or are you new at this ?
  18. flower


    Check out the wonderful SD group that is listed under Social, Chickenstocks, Shows and MeetUps and
  19. flower


    About the silkie roo, I sure hope that you find a new home for him. I live too far. But I want to suggest keeping him in the garage overnight in a covered container until you find a new home for him. I have had trouble keeping rooster inside the city also and this plan does help keep the crowing...
  20. flower


    There are a few folks in San Fernando and Pasadena. If there is a meet-up there surely will be postings.
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