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  1. Tyranno-Chicken Rex

    Chickens have red, swollen vent areas, but no parasites?

    Yeah, we researched coop sizes before getting our chickens, and I’m so glad we did because our current coop supposedly fits 12, but it‘s perfect for the 6 pullets we planned on getting. Well…other than the roosting space.
  2. Tyranno-Chicken Rex

    Chickens have red, swollen vent areas, but no parasites?

    Yes I think they might not have enough roosting space: We bought a coop-building kit (had the most space for a good expense) which came with 2 square roosting bars, but we added in a round pole as an extra roosting bar in the coop when we realized they wouldn’t have enough space. When I checked...
  3. Tyranno-Chicken Rex

    Chickens have red, swollen vent areas, but no parasites?

    Thank you, I will check on them later tonight to check the situation on roosting space! I was hoping the skin was only red because of the weather, its been 20-30s recently—which is not an unusually cold temperature at all where I live, but perhaps for them it is…
  4. Tyranno-Chicken Rex

    Chickens have red, swollen vent areas, but no parasites?

    I noticed a couple of my chickens had a red and swollen vent area this afternoon, and while taking pictures noticed a third one. I checked each for other symptoms of parasites: they’re all pretty active, don’t seem agitated, eating well, and no red spots or moving black specks or bugs in the...
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