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  1. DuckyDonna

    1 Gander trying to kill the other gander?

    I'm in North Georgia. When I know we are going to have a big freeze like you are talking about I'll just drain the pool and wait until it warms up before I clean and fill it again. We used 4" PVC pipe going out of the back of the pool. I've never had an issue with the water inside the pipe...
  2. DuckyDonna

    1 Gander trying to kill the other gander?

    I know nothing about geese but I do know about building a shallow pond. I sheet of plywood, and 2" x 12" for around the sides, then fiberglass and resin it. One thing we didn't think to do it sink the drain so now I have to sweep the excess water into the drain before I can clean it. We've got a...
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