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  1. M

    Midnight Majesty Pullet…Huh?!

    Final update! We got a response from Hoover’s. Here is the excerpt from their email: “Good afternoon, Based on the photos you have provided; these appear to be Midnight Majesty Marans. At this age, it is hard to tell if they are males or females. Unfortunately, you will have to wait until...
  2. M

    Midnight Majesty Pullet…Huh?!

    Update - The Staffmember at Wilco was very nice, and said due to state law they cannot take a bird back once it’s sold for disease prevention, which I suppose makes sense. Once we spent a minute looking at Hoover’s videos and showing the staffmember this thread, she agreed they aren’t Midnight...
  3. M

    Midnight Majesty Pullet…Huh?!

    The more research we do I would bet they are Cuckoo Maran chicks (as one person replied earlier in this thread)
  4. M

    Midnight Majesty Pullet…Huh?!

    Like always, I’m gratefully overwhelmed by the support, information, and advice on here. And I guess it isn’t that surprising that a mistake like this could happen. It’s 0530 local time, but as soon as Wilco opens I’ll call and see if they’ll make this right!
  5. M

    Midnight Majesty Pullet…Huh?!

    If it wasn’t for the fact we got a single Buff Orpington with them, (4 total chicks) , we would have already taken them back, however I think with everything we’ve found that is likely the best bet. (Taking back the “Midnight Majesty” chicks and the Buff this morning.) We will update this...
  6. M

    Midnight Majesty Pullet…Huh?!

    That’s what we are afraid of. Just sent an email to Hoovers with pictures and info found here. Perhaps I’m still naive, but just find it hard to believe an entire run of cockerels were mixed up with pullets, sent to the farm store, then placed in the bin, and nobody caught it other than my wife...
  7. M

    Midnight Majesty Pullet…Huh?!

    Thank you for the replys! I’ll reach out to Hoovers Hatchery and see if they have any input. At this point, we are hoping it’s a breed mix up, as like many, we are in a no-roo zone. I swear, every time I visit Wilco it’s always “something.”
  8. M

    Midnight Majesty Pullet…Huh?!

    Fair enough! I guess we might be missing something, but the subtle spot on their heads + lack of feathered feet had us wondering!
  9. M

    Midnight Majesty Pullet…Huh?!

    Hey guys! On the way home from work, the Mrs excitedly told me that our local farm store had Midnight Majesty chicks in stock and asked me to pick up a few. Soon after I arrived home with (3) Midnight Majesty Pullets and a Buff Orpington. My wife opened the chirping box and immediately thought...
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