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  1. nuthatched

    One duck and one chicken died of hypothermia. what can I improve?

    They really do need a formulated poultry feed, vegetables and herbs don't have all the nutrients they need, especially protein and spinach can be bad for then. A flock feed is what will work for your birds.
  2. nuthatched

    One duck and one chicken died of hypothermia. what can I improve?

    They don't need a heat lamp if they're all adults.
  3. nuthatched

    One duck and one chicken died of hypothermia. what can I improve?

    Male ducks have wieners, roosters do not, if a male duck tries to mate a hen, he can hurt or kill her since hens aren't compatible. I'm sorry. Is that they're entirely diet? Have they always eaten this?
  4. nuthatched

    One duck and one chicken died of hypothermia. what can I improve?

    That's not cold enough for chickens or ducks to die of cold, it must be something else. 5 is about middle age for chickens. Do you know what they eat?
  5. nuthatched

    One duck and one chicken died of hypothermia. what can I improve?

    Sorry about your birds. What are your temperatures and ages of birds? Diet?
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