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  1. Perris

    Runt chick 'forages'

    I thought you might enjoy this (the most recent clutch here): 2 paying attention to mum's lesson, 3 already think they know it all, and 1 wondering what's behind the vegetative curtain (which actually was one of the chicks' favourite places to rummage for stuff and dig deep, well hidden from...
  2. Perris

    Runt chick 'forages'

    You said she is lively and runs around a lot; she's getting enough to eat and enjoying life therefore. Some birds are smaller than others, some are late developers. I would stop worrying about her, keep bringing in turfs (the weedier the better) - there is food in it even if we can't see it -...
  3. Perris

    Runt chick 'forages'

    she has strong natural instincts - which is to forage for food as her number 1 priority - and there are studies showing chickens will do what your chick is doing even when there is food easily available (See Nicol Behavioural biology of chickens 2013). Cut a turf from the garden and put it in...
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