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  1. G

    Is small poops normal?

    Thanks. She actually did not poop at all tonight and her crop did not empty. She seems energetic and not lethargic, and she ate this morning. I’m going to give her coconut oil and massage her crop.
  2. G

    Is small poops normal?

    Thanks. I put a probiotic with digestive aid in their water. I’m hoping it’s only because she stopped eating as much. She has not been pooping very often too. In the roost I do not see any poop on the camera. Do you think she could be constipated, or is that unlikely?
  3. G

    Is small poops normal?

    She has cancer and is starting a molt, but she still eats and drinks. Her poops are tiny, but her crop still empties. She is not laying eggs (implanted) Is this a blockage, or just slower metabolism? This is her latest poop compared to my finger. Sorry to bother, @Eggcessive @azygous...
  4. G

    Is small poops normal?

    Ok, they’re bandaged right now so i might take some when i change them. The vet also diagnosed her with coelem distention. Do you know anything about this? I know it implies reproductive harm or cancer.
  5. G

    Is small poops normal?

    Went to the vet! Turns out she had BUMBLEFOOT on both feet!!!!! Her belly contained no fluid, but the vet said it was distended. I feel so bad that i didn’t check her feet. They soaked her and wrapped her in bandage and I am going to redo the bandage every day. I’m so glad it’s nothing serious.
  6. G

    Is small poops normal?

    I'll let you know. The vet visit is tomorrow. My guess is they'll drain her belly after feeling it? Also, today she was a little more perky, but when I left I saw her resume to sitting/standing in one place. I threw one seed and she absolutely ran for it. She still seems to have a very big...
  7. G

    Is small poops normal?

    Its large, but feel like a pad rather than a round belly. It's also softish but not too squishy, kind of elastic feeling and bounces back when i press it
  8. G

    Is small poops normal?

    She doesn't move around much at all. 90% of the day she is sitting or standing with her head tucked a little. I'm kind of worried about her belly, it fits in the cusp of my hand and when I pick her up she feels very round. Her comb is normal and she eats and drinks, but her lack of activity and...
  9. G

    Is small poops normal?

    I have a vet near my house, should I take her to the vet or try home treatment
  10. G

    Is small poops normal?

    Ok, I’ll do that. I’ll also give her a epsom salt bath.
  11. G

    Is small poops normal?

    I’m hoping she’s just fat, I can help her lose weight. I’m concerned if it’s another issue
  12. G

    Is small poops normal?

    They eat feed that I’ve made sure is healthy and has the least amount of food and salt as possible. I used to feed them grubs daily but stopped because I realize that’s unhealthy. They get vegetables 1-3 times a week None of my other hens are big and I can feel all of their keel bones. I can...
  13. G

    Is small poops normal?

    I checked her vent, it looks fine. I dewormed her for one day, I’ll deworm again? She has not laid an egg since they stopped in the wintertime. I thought she might be too but her abdomen isn’t hard and she can poop fine? She doesn’t squawk when I pick her up
  14. G

    Is small poops normal?

    Update: her poops look normal now, but I wasn't able to get photos. However for the past few days she has been acting weird. All she wants to do is stand in one place or sit in one place. She rarely scratches around anymore. She eats and drinks normally still but sits looking kind of puffed up...
  15. G

    Is small poops normal?

    Hi, I can’t post any pictures right now but they are about a bit larger than my thumbnail and bumpy/dryer than normal, and is normal brown/dark brown. I can try to find a online image that looks like it if you need.
  16. G

    Is small poops normal?

    3.5 Year old Buff cochin has very small dry ish poops recently for about a few days. She eats and drinks normally as I can see. She is slightly less active than normal which is strange because it is warmer now. Doesn’t lay eggs for now but her abdomen isn’t hard and she doesn’t look hunched...
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