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  1. metarachel

    Very strange growth with what looks like necrosis but also feathers??

    Thank you. I was worried it might be cancer and figured if it was, we would just let her go on as long as she seemed happy and not suffering, for however long that might be. But yes, as soon as I can get a second set of hands (should be tomorrow), I'm going to see if it's a feather cyst. Thank...
  2. metarachel

    Very strange growth with what looks like necrosis but also feathers??

    It's pretty uncommon for golden comets to live much past 3 or 4 years; she's an old, old lady for a production hen. But she does seem otherwise strong and healthy so I'm going to try to treat this as soon as I can secure a second set of hands.
  3. metarachel

    Very strange growth with what looks like necrosis but also feathers??

    Ooooh no, that looks... very similar. Different shape, but very similar. We do not have access to an avian vet here; I hate to think we'll have to remove this at home. The thing is, it is on her neck, and the thought of it growing into her spine and killing her is horrible. On the other hand...
  4. metarachel

    Very strange growth with what looks like necrosis but also feathers??

    Thank you! I tried doing some googling but nothing seemed to quite match.
  5. metarachel

    Very strange growth with what looks like necrosis but also feathers??

    It's definitely growing :( My first thought was cancer. Would a feather cyst grow feathers from the skin like that? I'll try to get a better picture when I have a second set of hands.
  6. metarachel

    Very strange growth with what looks like necrosis but also feathers??

    Not that I can tell. She's not picking at it or preening the area that I've seen, but she is going through a weirdly-timed molt, so that may just be part of that. I'll try aspirating it tonight when I have a second set of hands. Thank you!
  7. metarachel

    Very strange growth with what looks like necrosis but also feathers??

    I haven't yet; it didn't look or feel like an abcess or the like so I was very hesitant to cause her pain if I didn't need to.
  8. metarachel

    Very strange growth with what looks like necrosis but also feathers??

    I have a 5 year old golden comet with a very strange growth on her neck. It might've been there for some time, but it was under her feathers and I didn't notice until recently. It's fleshy and feels firm, but it's kind of like a giant skin tag in that it's not growing under her skin but rather...
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