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  1. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Amazon Chicken Runs Yay or Nay?

    Actually, adding t-posts sounds like a pretty good idea. Problem is getting them into the ground. Not impossible...Just very difficult. But may be worth the effort. Even the auger on the tractor has problems getting caught up on rocks. The clay would be fine on it's own. But add rocks the size...
  2. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Amazon Chicken Runs Yay or Nay?

    Thanks. Added my location. The runs I am looking at are these ones here. They are thin-gauged metal piping. I can see the netting is pretty cheap and I'd have to add my own. But wondering how sturdy they are in people's experience...
  3. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Amazon Chicken Runs Yay or Nay?

    I have pretty poor ground. Rocks and clay. That's why I was thinking of doing some heavy duty wood for the base. Then I could attach the run to that to keep it from blowing away. It also seems like replacement parts would be easy to come by if I needed them. I figured I'd have to add my own...
  4. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Amazon Chicken Runs Yay or Nay?

    I'm in Central Tennessee. About an hour and a half west of Nashville. I'm told that it doesn't snow much here. Usually a dusting. But I've lived here 2 years now and the first year was a lot of snow. This past year we had one snow storm that dumped a small amount. But we've had a very warm...
  5. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Amazon Chicken Runs Yay or Nay?

    From what I understand so far is the pressure-treating method is different now than it was years ago. And apparently, it's much safer.
  6. Bock-Bock-Bagock

    Amazon Chicken Runs Yay or Nay?

    Looking to expand my coop/run for my girls. Currently I have 3 hens in a small coop made from scraps. The run is probably 8-10 feet long by about 4 feet wide. Today I added 3 chicks, so will have a total of 6. So in a few months I want to have them in a bigger coop and run. I have a space about...
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