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  1. F

    Sick hen/droopy tail not acting normal

    Thank you everyone for all of your help! I ended up not needing to tube feed her because she started to eat and drink on her own! I did switch her from her electrolytes to nutri drench and she seemed to perk up after that!
  2. F

    Sick hen/droopy tail not acting normal

    that would be great and I would appreciate the help! She really is a sweet bird so I would hate to lose her. I can swing by the vet tomorrow once they open up.
  3. F

    Sick hen/droopy tail not acting normal

    Ok, so I am very confused. Today Carmen will not eat or drink by herself so I am giving her water through an eyedropper. I also made her a mash with her normal feed but she will only eat that if I feed her by hand. I added shavings to her little pen but now she seems to be eating a ton of them...
  4. F

    Sick hen/droopy tail not acting normal

    they were showing the same symptoms so I put them both in the garage. I was out of town last week so I was gone when they started to show symptoms. I really have no idea what it could be. The rest of the flock is acting normal and looking healthy and laying really well. Carmen has been sick for...
  5. F

    Sick hen/droopy tail not acting normal

    I did and I started them on it yesterday. Unfortunately when Dixie has passed away this morning. She had her head curled up under her and had been panting and drooling before she died. I did find a very large puddle of yellowish goo where she was sitting that almost looked as if it was an egg...
  6. F

    Sick hen/droopy tail not acting normal

    I have checked all over the coop for any signs of mold but did not find any. I removed the top layer of the run just to be safe and I cleaned out all of their feeders/watered and nesting pads. Everyone in the flock is looking good and Carmen has shown signs of improvement. She is now eating...
  7. F

    Sick hen/droopy tail not acting normal

    Question on mold toxicity, would walking with their wings out and looking wobbly be a symptom? I got them to eat a bit of egg today and drink some electrolyte water but now when I set them down they use their wings for balance and won’t walk. If this is mold related, does that mean there is mold...
  8. F

    Sick hen/droopy tail not acting normal

    They have not had any sort of balance problems yet which is good. I have them in the heated garage at the moment and they both seem to have perked up a bit. Carmen’s poop now is looking normal again but Dixie’s is very watery and whitish. Still not eating but drinking constantly.
  9. F

    Sick hen/droopy tail not acting normal

    They normally spend most of their time in the field of the woods, not around the compost area as far as I have seen. I will keep them in the coop for a few days while I get rid of the compost. Thank you for all of your help, I really appreciate it!
  10. F

    Sick hen/droopy tail not acting normal

    I just emailed the vet to see if I could get the antibiotics and he said he could get them to me by this afternoon. When I went out to check on her this morning though there is now another one who is showing the same symptoms although now they will not eat their food. Carmen, the one who first...
  11. F

    Sick hen/droopy tail not acting normal

    She has been laying for about two weeks and her crop has been empty in the mornings. I did see them in the compost pile a few days ago and I did throw some of their old food out so maybe that could be it? I am in Michigan and we had warm weather in the 70s last week but the temp went down again...
  12. F

    Sick hen/droopy tail not acting normal

    It seems as though I have just have one problem after another with these guys. This evening I noticed one of my 7 month old pullets was standing around while everyone else was free ranging. She had her tail feathers down and was just standing there. She also had had very watery and greenish poop...
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