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  1. BigBlueHen53

    Chickens and the Total Solar Eclipse

    Rojo, our rooster, gathered up his girls and herded them up close to the coop but they did not go in. They just kind of hunkered down close to the run and seemed ... puzzled and a bit stressed. Confused, I guess. I imagined them thinking, How can it be bedtime, we have not had our bedtime snack...
  2. BigBlueHen53

    Chickens and the Total Solar Eclipse

    I'm also in the POT and can't wait to see if our chickens go to roost. Totality here is expected to last a little over 4 minutes. We had to travel a bit to experience totality in '17 so did not get to see if our chooks reacted to the dusky conditions here at the house. What fun tomorrow will be!
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