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  1. Emrosenagel

    Strange jerking and crop not completely emptying

    Yup, still struggling. She did empty two days ago, but now we’re back to it. Otherwise, she’s completely normal; lays, normal poop, hungry, thirsty. I’ll probably need to take another trip to the vet to get to the bottom of it. Yours may have sour crop if she’s doing the jerking. I would smell...
  2. Emrosenagel

    Strange jerking and crop not completely emptying

    Chickens can be very confusing sometimes! Mine still lays, so I guess she’s good for now. Today her crop was almost empty besides some rocks, which made me happy. I hope your girl gets through it alright!
  3. Emrosenagel

    Strange jerking and crop not completely emptying

    We never did the ultrasound and her crop fluctuates, but never really empties overnight. Sometimes it doesn’t empty at all, sometimes it empties almost completely. I am also at a loss as to what to do about her, but she doesn’t act any differently; poops normally, eats and drinks normally. Took...
  4. Emrosenagel

    Strange jerking and crop not completely emptying

    Update on my bantam! This morning my hen had an almost empty crop, which made me very happy. And almost zero jerking today (once when I gave her a massage and once when she ate). I’ve noticed her poops are very gritty, so maybe things are finally moving along.
  5. Emrosenagel

    Strange jerking and crop not completely emptying

    Yeah, vet visits for chickens are so pricey when you’ve got like 6 of them. Home remedies can do wonders if you’re persistent, so I wish you best of luck! I’ve had luck clearing two impacted crops in the past, so it is possible :)
  6. Emrosenagel

    Strange jerking and crop not completely emptying

    I went to another vet today and they found a mass in her reproductive tract, pushing the gizzard down. It might be a tumor, might be an infection. We will find out after an ultrasound on Monday.
  7. Emrosenagel

    Strange jerking and crop not completely emptying

    Hello! The vet did an xray and couldn’t see any blockages. Her gizzard is packed right with grit, which I think might be the issue. The vet seems to think it may be inflammation lower down, but my hen had a big egg in the way so she couldn’t see. She sent us home with meloxicam for ant...
  8. Emrosenagel

    Strange jerking and crop not completely emptying

    Well, now for the past two days her crop is hardly emptying at all overnight. The jerking now happens more frequently, so I’m going to take her to the vet.
  9. Emrosenagel

    Strange jerking and crop not completely emptying

    They eat purina layer crumbles, but i accidentally got a bag of manapro all flock and have been mixing them. They also sometimes eat the grower feed (also purina). Plus lots of foraging in the yard, some scratch, watermelon on hot days, dried fruit as a treat and meal worms. They had crickets a...
  10. Emrosenagel

    Strange jerking and crop not completely emptying

    Hello! I have a problem hen, it seems. She can never just stay normal for more than a couple weeks. Anyway, my 9 month old bantam Cochin (recent mother of three as of 7 weeks ago) has been behaving odd at night and during moments of rest during the day. I first noticed about 1 1/2 weeks ago...
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