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  1. Nym

    Ended BYC's Springtacular Flower Photos

    This Salvia loved the good drenching we got. It might be my eyes but I'm sure these photos lose quality when transfered via wifi.
  2. Nym

    Ended BYC's Springtacular Flower Photos

    Spectacular form and colour!
  3. Nym

    Ended BYC's Springtacular Flower Photos

    It has just started here again :( I hope when you do get some that it's nice, steady rain, not the buckets we had; too much mess.
  4. Nym

    Ended BYC's Springtacular Flower Photos

    I found a pic of a living 'candle' from September 2022 .. Banksia candles can reach 20cms + in height if conditions are favorable. I'll be sure to get better photos next Spring.
  5. Nym

    Ended BYC's Springtacular Flower Photos

    A pic of a dead Banksia 'candle' flower is all I have lol. Not much is flowering here right now, after some 190mm + / 7+inches of rain over the weekend and what's left looks not so pretty.. The large seed pods need fire to open.
  6. Nym

    Ended BYC's Springtacular Flower Photos

    I've been having problems uploading pics for over a week now. I'm now using a wifi transfer app to send the pics from phone to my laptop.
  7. Nym

    Ended BYC's Springtacular Flower Photos

    Oooh, I love this wild and natural scene - very beautiful!
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