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  1. Perris

    2 month old chick tries to eat everything

    The only thing that stays the same with bagged feeds is the name on the label and the average nutritional values stated on it. Exactly what foodstuffs go in can and does vary with each batch, depending (usually) on what was cheapest when they were sourced. If your flock is a bit overweight as...
  2. Perris

    2 month old chick tries to eat everything

    add some meat or fish. A growing chick needs protein above all.
  3. Perris

    2 month old chick tries to eat everything

    Real food is better nutrition than pills and powders, and animal protein is better for chickens than plant protein. It's also usually cheaper and more accessible.
  4. Perris

    2 month old chick tries to eat everything

    May I suggest you try offering her some tinned sardines, good bread soaked in whole, fresh, cow's milk, egg in any form, or scraps of cooked meat. It sounds to me like she's starving for something.
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