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  1. Eggcessive

    Large tumor-like growth on cockscomb

    I have seen that before in one of my roosters. I used an antifungal cream miconazole to treat it thinking it was favus, a fungus. It doesn’t look like the tropical pictures we see of favus, and some have suggested trying to wash it off the comb with warm soapy water and a rag. Povidone iodine...
  2. Eggcessive

    Large tumor-like growth on cockscomb

    That is something I have never seen before. It has a bit of an appearance of an ingrown feather cyst, but I haven’t seen one on the comb before. It could be an abscess from a peck wound, or a cyst or tumor. Is it soft or solid? It looks fairly smooth with some fine feathers coming out of it...
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