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  1. Eggcessive

    Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area

    Can you give her Poultry NutriDrench 2-3 drops daily orally, not in the water? I would feed some egg and mushy chickens feed with water. Is her belly still blue and swollen? She could be just a failure to thrive chick or she could have omphalitis/mushy chick disease. Here is some reading about...
  2. Eggcessive

    Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area

    It is easier to build a larger brooder, and keep them all together. I put an easy one together with 2x4x2 ft high plywood or sheeting and screws. A screen frame on top keeps them from jumping over and out. It comes apart for storage once they are in their coop.
  3. Eggcessive

    Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area

    Are the other chicks pecking her vent? Do they have enough room? I would try to use something to mask her vent from being red. A dab of BluKote, zinc oxide or Desitin, Betadine, or blue food coloring might be helpful. You may need to separate her behind a screen or netting if it continues.
  4. Eggcessive

    Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area

    In 2 days, she only will need 85 degrees, so I would raise the lamp higher. Many people have switched over to a heat plate for chicks, or a Mama heating pad, which are safer than the red heat lamps. Keep an eye on her purple underbelly, in case of mushy chick disease. Is her navel healing?
  5. Eggcessive

    Five day old Chick Swollen Purple Vent area

    She may be suffering from pasty butt. It can be a result of constipation, dehydration, shipping stress, too much heat, and straining may cause a prolapse. She might have been born with this problem. I would clean the vet with warm soapy water, not getting her too wet or chilling her, and dry it...
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