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  1. NagemTX

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Oh I also have this in the garage now.
  2. NagemTX

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    My Halloween and Thanksgiving hatches lived in my room till they were in their full first feathers! Never again!
  3. NagemTX

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    I have 70+. Unfortunately they aren't all named.
  4. NagemTX

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    What happens is breeders have stopped breeding for personality traits. There are a few Ameraucana breeders that talk about this. You can breed for docileness (cuddly) chickens or you can breed away from it. This happens in all breeds depending on what a line is focused on.
  5. NagemTX

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Pizza crust is bread. Why wouldn't you feed it to a chicken?
  6. NagemTX

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Mine have flood lights all the time. The coop is dark tho. The flood lights have saved their a**es a few times. I leave them on because I have some that roost in the trees and if they get targeted by a coon they need to be able to see to evade untill I can get out there.
  7. NagemTX

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    I have 11 roosters and I get up at 3am for work. As soon as I flip the lights on they get started telling everyone else to get up too.
  8. NagemTX

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Lol, this is me. Was only going to hatch for a friend and ended up hatching for me too. And now I'm keeping a few silkies. :lau
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