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  1. L

    Mama duck with babies laying eggs again

    You are most welcome and maybe next time you can get some cheap bird netting to put over any area where a bird may make a big mistake and decide to nest. I have to use it in the top of my carport where they always want to hatch out baby birds. It works well and will keep them at bay. Good...
  2. L

    Mama duck with babies laying eggs again

    After being left that long I would think that the other eggs would not hatch and usually when you move a nest the Mother bird will abandon it. I don't see her coming to her eggs in a different site. I put my discarded eggs in a strong plastic bag, tie it shut tight and they go in the garbage...
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    Mama duck with babies laying eggs again

    If it was a flying predator you would not see any evidence of a struggle. They just swoop down, snatch and grab. This time of the year they are feeding their own babies and show no mercy to little ones. I would bet that is what happened. If Mamma duck is not around then she knows they are...
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    Mama duck with babies laying eggs again

    So sorry to hear that they are gone. More than likely a bird of prey got them. If you have cranes in your area they are notorious for picking them off along with hawks, owls and crows. I would say with Momma being without them that something got them. Hopefully she will not hatch anything...
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    Mama duck with babies laying eggs again

    Any way to just gather the ducklings up and put them in the water yourself without dropping them so far down? If their Mama is nearby she will probably take to them that way I would think. I don't know if there is a shore line where she can possibly get them out of the water or not?
  6. L

    Mama duck with babies laying eggs again

    They would probably be fine as long as she is watching so that she can gather them in the water. They have been water proofed by the oil on her feathers if she has sat on top of them so they should do well in the water. If we use an incubator with Mallard eggs they have no water proofing so...
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    Mama duck with babies laying eggs again

    That's a g That's a great idea. My Muscovy climbed a steep ramp to get to the top of the chicken house in order to make her nest where I would not find it. She and anything she hatches will come down this ramp. Even a board that she and her ducklings could climb up would work if that is at...
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    Mama duck with babies laying eggs again

    That is really a tough call. If you move them she might desert them and it was not good of her to make a nest where she did. I don't know how she expected to get them out of there unless she thought they would stay until they were able to fly which is around 6 weeks at least. Also they eat on...
  9. L

    Mama duck with babies laying eggs again

    Oh when I said in a nest, it's who knows where and buried in their pine shavings so it really is an Easter Egg Hunt. Very few are visible and I usually get 8 a day that I have to hunt for. That makes it fun, right? LOL
  10. L

    Mama duck with babies laying eggs again

    My Rouen, Mallard and Muscovy all seem to lay in a nest. My Runners are hopeless and usually lay wherever they feel like it, lol.
  11. L

    Mama duck with babies laying eggs again

    Thanks, if she would hatch any they would be Hinnies as the drake was a Mallard Runner. I don't need anymore ducklings so I am okay either way. lol
  12. L

    Mama duck with babies laying eggs again

    You are most welcome and I am so happy to hear that your drake behaves himself. They say that the drake sometimes kills the babies because he wants to mate with the Hen again and doesn't need her to be watching over her ducklings.
  13. L

    Mama duck with babies laying eggs again

    My Mallard Hen did the same thing. My Muscovy that is sitting right now lays about 3 eggs a week. I just take those and leave her alone. My Mallard was alone in a pen with her ducklings and when they were less than 3 weeks old and it was March here in Ohio and still cold, she flew out and...
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