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  1. BelovedBirds

    Duck eggs, unsure on day. Help.

    Can you post images of the eggs being candled? It's odd to me that they've been incubating 28 days and they were already well into incubation when you put them in there. If I remember correctly?
  2. BelovedBirds

    Duck eggs, unsure on day. Help.

    Eggs only realistically need to be turned during the first couple weeks or so. Mainly the first 7-10 days. Once the embryo is able to move, it's not so important. And if it makes you feel any better, I once saw a video of a guy testing the importance of it- he had two batches of eggs, one he...
  3. BelovedBirds

    Duck eggs, unsure on day. Help.

    Are you certain you're still seeing movement? Have you seen the ducklings growing and filling more of the egg or just staying the same? No bad smells or anything from the eggs?
  4. BelovedBirds

    Duck eggs, unsure on day. Help.

    Chick crumb is perfectly okay, but I highly recommend supplementing it with nutritional yeast to correct the niacin levels. 1 tbsp per 1 cup of feed should be okay. I managed to raise my ducks from hatch to adulthood on chick crumb, right up until swapping to adult feed. With supplementation to...
  5. BelovedBirds

    Duck eggs, unsure on day. Help.

    No problem at all! So sorry to hear that. Candling daily is perfectly safe, as long as you're very careful not to drop them or anything like that, and don't have them out of the incubator too long if you do need to take them out to candle. And try to put them back in the same position so they...
  6. BelovedBirds

    Duck eggs, unsure on day. Help.

    They seem to be alive, I'm seeing veins in the eggs, some look a little questionable but if you're seeing movement then I'd say they're okay- They certainly aren't as far along, as I mentioned previously, long exposure to colder temps can slow development, its possible that these weren't kept...
  7. BelovedBirds

    Duck eggs, unsure on day. Help.

    Okay. Just so that you are aware, mallards could be protected, depends on location, if they're protected by law it'd be illegal to take their eggs. So just be careful, you may want to check your local rules, if there is an issue there, you could find a wildlife rehabber to take them As for...
  8. BelovedBirds

    Duck eggs, unsure on day. Help.

    What breed of duck is this? Was it a wild mama duck?
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