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  1. BrooksideHomestead

    Help, KC isn’t acting right

    Unfortunately, she passed on the 15th. 😭 I thank you all for your help and suggestions. You are always so kind and I thank you all for that. ❤️
  2. BrooksideHomestead

    Help, KC isn’t acting right

    I had already separated her because she was not mingling with the flock, and I was unsure if our male was singling her out and over-mating her. She seemed to be avoiding them maybe by staying in the coop. She is seemingly doing a bit better, but no egg still. Do they stop laying when broody? My...
  3. BrooksideHomestead

    Help, KC isn’t acting right

    Okay, phew! Still no egg over here. She is eating and drinking more. Two empsom salt baths. And two doses of the cal glu. No other symptoms still.
  4. BrooksideHomestead

    Help, KC isn’t acting right

    I gave it to her at 9am, and did a warm epsom bath. She then ate and drank well. I can’t feel any sort of egg, but I’m going to give another dose around 6pm to see if it gets her to lay. I’m hoping so. Thank you so much for the information and links to how to give it and such. I appreciate it so...
  5. BrooksideHomestead

    Help, KC isn’t acting right

    Thank you so so much. I will do all of that and keep you updated. She has been eating a little more and drinking still, so that is good. No egg yet as of 6am this morning. The cal flu is out for delivery.
  6. BrooksideHomestead

    Help, KC isn’t acting right

    I don’t have that on hand. Tractor Supply is out around me, but Amazon has the same brand for 7am delivery. I will give it to her. I do put out oyster shell, too.
  7. BrooksideHomestead

    Help, KC isn’t acting right

    It’s been about two to three days. Three days ago, my kids got the eggs and I don’t get a count, and my husband is allergic so we feed them to the crows. But she didn’t lay today or yesterday. She did four days ago. Three days ago is unaccounted for, due to the kids.
  8. BrooksideHomestead

    Help, KC isn’t acting right

    Hi everyone, My beloved Khaki Campbell that I hand raised from hatching isn’t acting right. It began three days ago. She has been staying in the coop all the time. At first, I thought maybe she was broody, but I’m unsure. She has no cuts, bruises, etc.; isn’t shaking her head; still eats and...
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