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  1. J

    3 week old chick not gaining weight but very active

    Good news! She has started gaining weight the last 3 days :D Didn't want to get my hopes up at first as her weight has been fluctuating the last couple of days, but finally a whopping 11g gain today, yay! This is her weight the last week (I weight them every morning at the same time): 8 - 89g 9...
  2. J

    3 week old chick not gaining weight but very active

    Here are some other pictures. Thank you for your reply nuthatched. I thought with failure to thrive the chick doesn't eat/drink and is lethargic? Or is that a later symptom of not being to take up nutrients. How does a chick with FTT get to 3 weeks and stay active? Is it something that can occur...
  3. J

    3 week old chick not gaining weight but very active

    Hello all, I'm sorry if this has already been asked, I'm a computer illiterate & worried first-time chick owner. I adopted 4 2 week old chicks of 4 different breeds (none Bantams): Amrock Rhode island red New Hampshire red Barnevelder I've only had them for a week. The new Hampshire chick has...
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