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  1. BelovedBirds

    Ducks eating there own eggs?

    Looks like it! Just one thing though, this is almost certainly an Aylesbury mix and not pure bred, looks like perhaps white campbell or white layer, or more likely pekin crossed with Aylesbury. Pure bred Aylesbury ducks have very pale pink bills 99% of the time, if theres some yellow, its...
  2. BelovedBirds

    Ducks eating there own eggs?

    Its important they have access to it, they will eat it for calcium as needed, otherwise shell quality can deteriate They can do, but mostly over colder months. And some breeds aren't the greatest layers. And Aylesbury aren't, so there may be more time between laying.
  3. BelovedBirds

    Ducks eating there own eggs?

    Photo? If it's egg yolk it will be very obvious. It's possible it's something else. I don't think it's common for ducks to be able to get into their own eggs, my girls love their eggs but fail to crack them. I have to crack the shell a bit so that they can get into it. so I'd be suspicious about...
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