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  1. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    I had the same Mareks-Panic, and on top of it I introduced new hens a week before on the terrain (still in quarantine at that moment) so I freaked out. But in the afterthought I think the chick was to young (it was 3 1/2 weeks old on symptoms onset) and might have had issues from the parent...
  2. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    Went back to the vet with her today, because no improvement since Friday. We decided to euthanize her. Although she was eating when possible, and on high dosed vitamins, she wasn't able to get up, just creeping around the box on on side with feet trembling. I still hope it was a a severe...
  3. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    Here are the videos: First one, it's her status before injection. second one approximately 4 hours after injection:
  4. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    No I hadn't yet dewormed them. They were inside and only 4 weeks old, so I hadn't thought about that. I had planned to deworm the groupe once after having them moved in with the adults. Her poop is astonishingly normal considering she's eating a bit aleatorique. But I will observe and keep it...
  5. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    At the beginning I gave her her usual chick starter mashed up with boiled egg and vitamins mixed up. But the don't seem to like the pasty consistence sticker to her beak. She kept flipping her head and tapping the box wall to clean it. She has chickens starter 24/7 in her box. I tried to feed...
  6. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    Have to upload the video first elsewhere, but here is a photo: Just now she kept (with assistance of the box wall) on here feet for several minutes. This IS improvement :)
  7. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    A few hours after the second injection and it seems she's getting slightly better. While she is unable to lift her self or eat in the litter box, the wood chips not allowing any grip, I take her out into a box with a rippled mat where she has more adherence. I put food inside and she keeps on...
  8. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    Went to the vet today, initially for having her euthanized. Although she ate reasonably quantités (noodles, cheese...), she's laying on one side all the time and didn't go up anymore like the days before. But the vet wasn't yet ready to let her go and offered me 5 days of intraabdominal vitamin...
  9. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    Day three... Yesterday evening she ate a good amount of cooked rice, and a slice of cucumber. Today she's very week again. I have the impression that an hour or two after giving vitamin supplements she get better, to degrade only few hours afterwards again. I tried to find a vet this morning...
  10. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    Not in France apparently :) I was in three Pharmacies, but they only had B12 or Multivitamin. So I ordered online, not sure how to dose the capsules available I opted for the B Complex for animals in liquid. I'll have a look for drops for humans.
  11. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    I only got a vitamin B complex for rabbits, but I think it does the trick, I giver her every few hours some drops directly to the beak. The vitE she's not fond of , but I manage to get some down mixed in something.
  12. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    Thank you for your thread, I read part of it this morning. It helps to see there is a light at the end of the tunnel. She seems to respond a bit to the vitamins, so will go from here and see where it leads. I just wasn't't sure of the timeline after treatment, when to throw the towel. For now...
  13. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    Thank you, I'm moe assured than this morning, where I thought it would be Marek. When I saw her completely distorted I nearly was ready to ask my neighbor (who's raising chickens for eating) to put an end to her, thinking she was suffering. I'm not ready to cull myself it seems, even in time of...
  14. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    It's not a mechanical problem, it's more that she wants to move, lose balance, topple over and having seizure like cramp or something. For 5-10 seconds, then she trembles for another 10 seconds and calling down. These episodes are increased when she's startled. Now she is alternating between...
  15. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    I just fed her boiled egg yolk, a bit of crushed chick starter and vitamines mashed up via syringe, she sipped a bit, and dozed off. I will offer her more often, she seems not to eat by her self, afraid to move and tumble over. When I set her down I saw her right toes curled up. She did not have...
  16. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    I don't think she was bitten or stung, they were outside two or three days for an hour or two and in hindsight I remember having seen her tumbling already some days ago, but I thought she had troubles walking in the long grass. And in the cage she was merely calmer than usual, but honestly I...
  17. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    She was a bit better after dosing with vitamins, she's not eating much but takes water offered to the beak and she tumbles a bit less. Her manure is dry and regular. I'm a bit afraid she'll hunger while she's too weak or uncoordinated to eat herself. Anyway she don't seem to suffer for the...
  18. AbL

    If vitamin deficiency - how long before you see improvement

    I found a 4 week old chick yesterday tumbling and stumbling around, with balance problems and neurological crises. Well aware it could be something serious I separated her and kept her in for the night. Yesterday she was very tired and picked bait of food. I tried to gave her a mix of VitE and...
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