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  1. R

    Broody hen won’t move off chicks

    Mom left the nest. I’m going to candle them when I get home. I don’t know what day. Heat lamp for another day or two if they look viable. Lacey disappeared one day then we found her nestled in the back of a work bench shelf and she was sitting on a nest made of tyvek and Barclamps. So I’ve...
  2. R

    Broody hen won’t move off chicks

    WELL I GOT ANSWERS!!! Had a bad rain storm coming and Lacey and the chick were pretty well in the open and had both escaped the enclosure I had them in. So I had to do something. Re set up the coop for babies. Caught the chick, caught Lacey, moved them both into the coop with the other three I...
  3. R

    Broody hen won’t move off chicks

    Ahh, dogs fine. Inquisitive little husky kept messing with her. Not trying to hurt the chicken or anything but Lacey had enough of it and ended running underneath the dog, pecking at her check like she was playing whack a mole. Dog freaked out, but that was the worst of it.
  4. R

    Broody hen won’t move off chicks

    I really don’t want to disturb her. I saw what she did to the dog. Lacey has a bit of a temper.
  5. R

    Broody hen won’t move off chicks

    Honestly, worried yes… but in a prepared and guarded manner. With the store bought chicks I have, I’m at about a 45% mortality rate… so I’m not expecting anything. From what I hear, however, that means I’m doing about 15% better than some of my contemporaries considering the place I bought them...
  6. R

    Broody hen won’t move off chicks

    Had a chick hatch yesterday. Today I can’t hear her chirp and the hen won’t move off of her. Im not sure if more hatched or not and I’m afraid they suffocated under the hen, or is this normal?
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