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  1. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    Let us know! Mine do love Greek yougurt.
  2. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    Have you tried giving her easy-to-eat things that have probiotics in them and be good for her gut flora such as Greek yogurt or sauerkraut? Maybe the antibiotics have thrown her flora off a bit and made her appetite wonky. The good thing is that she is eating some.
  3. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    During a molt it’s not uncommon at all for them to loose weight and not want to eat. However given the fact that she was sick before the molt, I think I’d take whatever I can get her to eat if I were you. Have you tried making her chicken feed into a mash? A lot of chickens find that...
  4. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    I hope she improving more and more after this molt 🙏
  5. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    Aw hey, I’m glad to hear she’s doing much better. Do you think the implant induced a molt?
  6. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    I agree with you, you’d think there would have to be some side effects. I hope you can get her to eat and back to feeling a little better.
  7. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    My hens LOVE when I make a soupy mash out of their layer feed, it’s like a treat! When they’re molting I mix in raw egg and canned chicken for extra protein.
  8. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    I’m glad to hear she is acting a little more normal. She may be feeling out of it still with the implant. I believe I did hear somewhere that when hens get that implant they tend to act a bit like they’re molting constant, which would explain not wanting to eat a lot. Have you tried giving her a...
  9. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    I never would’ve thought that either, from everything you noticed. How is she doing now?
  10. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    Oh my gosh really? Did she have any other signs of respiratory infection? I’m so thankful you were able to get her to a vet. I will be praying for your hen, what is her name? Yes please keep us updated on her. You’ve done wonderful caring for her, great job.
  11. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    I have never heard that, but just because I’ve never heard it doesn’t mean it isn’t true. You could post a thread and ask people what they’ve experienced with it. I’ve heard both that garlic is toxic to chickens in large amounts and also that it’s okay to give, so I don’t really have an opinion...
  12. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    I’m so sorry. I think that’s the best option. I will be thinking of her and praying they can help.
  13. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    Keep up with feeding less treats. Easier said than done, I know :oops: a lot of smart people on here will say that treats can be a root cause of a lot of issues. We def start to see egg laying issues when we feed too many.
  14. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    I don’t think it’s too worrisome, I would just continue to watch her. What is she eating? Just her pellets?
  15. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    Oh okay. Well that’s a good sign, too. Sometimes a squishy, water balloon like belly can indicate internal laying. I hope she keeps doing better and better.
  16. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    That’s promising 🙂 is her belly squishy or enlarged? Just curious. Maybe deworming wouldn’t be a bad idea.
  17. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    It is possible for them to poop solid or liquid if reproductive issues are going on. If egg bound, they may or may not be able to poop depending on where the egg was stuck. Seeing a lot of liquid poop with just urates could indicate she’s drinking a lot of water and not eating much. Runny...
  18. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    What I wonder about is if there is something reproductive going on. Unless she was molting, it’s not normal to go two months without laying an egg at her age. That could potentially make her feel crummy on and off depending on what’s going on. I don’t really know if that would be genetic or not...
  19. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    That’s good news! It sounds like she is headed in the right direction. Sounds like she may have been just not feeling well in general. Her crop is still normal feeling and flat in the mornings?
  20. alinas2010

    Egg bound silkie?

    You’re welcome! Praying she starts to improve.
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