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  1. melhorne

    shaggy chick story

    Jumped up early to day and with the help of hubby we have extended the protection round the bed so they have more room out on the grass.... with a shelter, nest, private garden and lawns I recokn they are living in Cluckingham Palace !! lol The sun is out today so I will try to get a new photo...
  2. melhorne

    shaggy chick story

    Countrygirl, Many thanks for the welcome, what a great site so nice to find others that are bats about chcikens I so want this little chick to do well even if it grows enough for me to work out what it is !!
  3. melhorne

    shaggy chick story

    Think I worked it out !
  4. melhorne

    shaggy chick story

    hmmm I guess it will be out with the extra chicken wire tomorrow !! I am still really puzzled as to how the chick came to be, the nearest roo is about a mile and a half away over the hill !! how do i add a photo?
  5. melhorne

    shaggy chick story

    Please help I need some advice ! I have a small flock including a fiesty bantum cross hen who decided she is a free spirit and likes to live out of the pen, she roosts above the pen in a tree at night ! Anyway I missed seeing her at feed time for a few days and thought that the worst had...
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