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  1. Freckle Face Farm

    Whats in your back yard?? Show pics!!

    WOW!!! ICE Cream i will have to try it. I give mine cottage cheese they love it!!! Quote:
  2. Freckle Face Farm

    Whats in your back yard?? Show pics!!

    How cute minnie and betsy are!!!
  3. Freckle Face Farm

    Whats in your back yard?? Show pics!!

    Quote: Those roses are beautiful!!!
  4. Freckle Face Farm

    Whats in your back yard?? Show pics!!

    ME TOO!! I Love your patio!! Congrats on your first hatch looks like you had a great one!
  5. Freckle Face Farm

    Whats in your back yard?? Show pics!!

    WOW!!! Love all those pics!!! Thoses chicks with the feathered feet are sooo cute... Iwant some...
  6. Freckle Face Farm

    Whats in your back yard?? Show pics!!

    No way thats pretty big to be moving!!! But I let my chickens out most of the day... I live right on a wetland preserve so I have lots of eagles and hawks Quote:
  7. Freckle Face Farm

    Whats in your back yard?? Show pics!!

    This is my run and small coop!!!
  8. Freckle Face Farm

    Whats in your back yard?? Show pics!!

    I Love your landscaping your yard is Beautiful...
  9. Freckle Face Farm

    Whats in your back yard?? Show pics!!

    Quote: That Grandson! How Handsome!!! Very cute and happy little man.... My daughter's in Japan (Air Force) No Grandkids yet!! !
  10. Freckle Face Farm

    Whats in your back yard?? Show pics!!

    Ondra's Seramas : When you wake up in the morning and look at that veiw do you think? WOW!!! I really live here what a veiw!
  11. Freckle Face Farm

    Whats in your back yard?? Show pics!!

    Thats a real nice tractor... What a GREAT combo of chickens. I bet when you get eggs they all look Great together...
  12. Freckle Face Farm

    Whats in your back yard?? Show pics!!

    WOW!!! What a great backyard...Your chickens must love it... Love your pond...
  13. Freckle Face Farm

    Whats in your back yard?? Show pics!!

    That's so sweet love your yard mine took a beating with no water Thank the heavens for the rain..
  14. Freckle Face Farm

    Whats in your back yard?? Show pics!!

    Quote: Yep! Chicken coops count too!!
  15. Freckle Face Farm

    Whats in your back yard?? Show pics!!

    Quote: That is so funny.. They are soo cute..I Love chickens...
  16. Freckle Face Farm

    Whats in your back yard?? Show pics!!

    Your chickens look Great!!! Love them!!Love the little silkie and those pigs are sooo cute!! Love all the pics!!!!
  17. Freckle Face Farm

    Whats in your back yard?? Show pics!!

    Whats in your back yard? Here's whats in mine!! Lets see yours?
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