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  1. daisykristy

    IA here

    Hi! I'm near Cedar Rapids and have 5 girls I purchased last year (you're right, they are so much fun! And they help keep the bugs down on our little hobby farm). I got 6 more this year (3 are the little bantams) what did you get?
  2. daisykristy

    IA here

    Nice!! Puts mine to shame :)
  3. daisykristy

    IA here

    I cant wait to see pictures! We started ours yesterday too. Ours will be portable. I'm hoping to let them free range as much as possible but we do have à lot of predators around here
  4. daisykristy

    IA here

    Oh I know what you mean! I'm trying to build a run for my crew and keep having to postpone
  5. daisykristy

    IA here

    Do you mean "going on 5 WEEKS?" Mine are about the same age and I leave them out all day and bring them in at night. My main reason for bringing them in is because of all the raccoons around here. I want to make our coop extra safe.
  6. daisykristy

    IA here

    Thanks for the great tip!
  7. daisykristy

    IA here

    Hi! We were just in your lovely city. Thank you for mentioning winter and how your coop is setup. I'm still bringing my babies in at night, but they sure enjoy being outside.
  8. daisykristy

    IA here

    Hi Hi! I love your flock! What a cool selection. Can't wait to see pictures. My son goes to Iowa state :0). We are heading to Ames Friday to pick him up.
  9. daisykristy

    IA here

    Omg I would LOVE that!!
  10. daisykristy

    IA here

    Hi ChickenGoesRuff! Oh I want some Silkies!! - lucky chicks getting snow cones. :)
  11. daisykristy

    IA here

    Hi fellow Iowans! I'm near Cedar Rapids and first time chicken owner. I have six babies that are just about 4 weeks old. 1 BO, 1 ISA Brown, 1 BSL, and 3 EE's. ...please tell me it's not hard to raise chickens through our winters. :0)
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