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  1. destiny_56085

    IA here

    I'm skipping both of the big poultry events in MN tomorrow to head down to Waverly. I live in SW MN and its about a 4.5 hour drive that is well worth it.
  2. destiny_56085

    IA here

  3. destiny_56085

    IA here

    Depends on the breed too! Something like a leghorn can be ready to show in 4-5 months. If you are talking something like a standard cochin or brahma, you are looking at 12-18 months. It will all depend on the breed itself and sometimes down to a strain within a breed. Conditioning a show...
  4. destiny_56085

    IA here

    Maybe Jean Buehl... I got mine from her at the game breeders swap at Hutch. I know she has a young female left for sure and possibly some of the old breeders. She's from the Twin Cities. If you want her e-mail or phone just let me know.
  5. destiny_56085

    IA here

    Sometimes if they are raised together, they cohabitate fine. The silkies usually get the short end of the stick though and end up dead. A standard wyndotte may even kill your silkie hens if he gets a little too rough with mating. I personally have never even had luck brooding silkies with...
  6. destiny_56085

    IA here

    What part of IA are you in? I have 5 white silkies that are about 2.5-3.5 months old right now. They are out of exhibition birds, but aren't making the cut for the growout pen for various reasons. If I don't sell them at the New Ulm swap on the 31st, I'll bring them along to Waverly. $10...
  7. destiny_56085

    IA here

    Great idea!!!! Let me know how it goes with that. Click on here: That will take you to the folder with all the pics from the show. There are 4 different sub-albums you have to go into to view the pics. I...
  8. destiny_56085

    IA here

    Only one gripe about Eric and the New Ulm show.... He forgot to bring me along for Happy Hour!!!!!! Lol I made him pose here:
  9. destiny_56085

    IA here

    I got the entry form for the Hutch show a few weeks ago. Entries were due in by Oct. 4th for there though.... Sometimes Bob Coulter will pick up late entries at the New Ulm show too. I have to work that weekend unfortunately. Cya tomorrow! I'm showing 12 silkies and got roped into bringing...
  10. destiny_56085

    IA here

    They are not as fatty as regular ducks. The meat is also similar to veal.
  11. destiny_56085

    IA here

    Hey Troy, This website is a huge help: Check it out! I think it helps in our county that we also have the BCPPA active in hosting shows and swaps. We have tons of established breeders willing to help the 4-H kids out...
  12. destiny_56085

    IA here

    I'm a district 4-H leader up here in MN and was a member since pre-school. In 4-H you can show market, layer and breeding pens. A market pen is just that.... meat birds. Layers have 2 categories.... brown egg and white egg. A breeding pen consists of a trio (1 cockerel and 2 pullets) of the...
  13. destiny_56085

    IA here

    Lol... I didn't have much of a choice. My mom was the secretary at the extension office for the 4-H and Ag Specialists for over 20 years. At first she had me signed up for dozens of projects and in my later years I stuck with only the horse and vet medicine. I was always volunteered for...
  14. destiny_56085

    IA here

    Quote: Lol for everyone that doesn't know me, my last name is Piehl and is pronounced like "peel". The whole pregnancy I threatened that I was going to name the kid Banana. My friends dubbed her Kaylie instead and she is 2.5 months old now. Starting her out right.... No sissy books for...
  15. destiny_56085

    IA here

    I agree with you on some points Eric.... I think I've had more experiences like BlackBantamCochins though. I seriously don't mind helping out 4-H kids if they come to me early enough. I put on several clinics last year just with showmanship, bathing, conditioning, etc. 4-h birds start way...
  16. destiny_56085

    IA here

    To anyone that may have come to the New Ulm swap on sunday.... Sorry that the gates were late opening. One of our main guys went in to the Mankato hospital with a heart attack. Please keep Al Christle in your prayers. He's been active in both the pigeons and poultry for well over 50 years.
  17. destiny_56085

    IA here

    Quote: Hey Eric... I ended up going a full week over my due date. Barely got out of the hospital this last friday afternoon. I missed New Ulm this weekend too. Dirt eatin? We are just starting to see a few bare spots in the fields finally. Now they are talking 8-10" of snow for us...
  18. destiny_56085

    IA here

    Just found this thread.... I live in southwestern MN and already probably know some of you guys from the New Ulm swaps. Eric....have some interesting news from this last weekend for you. The BCPPA finally got enough people together to have an election meeting. Due to a new baby, I'm stepping...
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