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  1. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    Oh those Iowa blue roos are handsome! I've been away from the forums for quite a while due to illness but now have chicken fever. Hoping to have a flock again this year but waiting for better weather. I'm on the 'east coast' (Illinois QC area). Catherine
  2. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    Quote: Good Dog...and What a Duck! Catherine
  3. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    Empty Nest - what fabulous photos! Looks like it was a beautiful day! Clay - your WS roo's brother, Lucky, is filling out too...he's BIG and gorgeous...Stu, the AM roo is still king of the coop, but Lucky has his own special fan club...he's so handsome, the girls can't resist him! The Molt is...
  4. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    Quote: The Molt has started here in my coop...feathers everywhere...and the 20 days without rain has brought out the raccoons....grrrr I can't figure out what I did wrong trying to get my broodies (had 3 out of 28 hens) to hatch out some eggs....any tips from those of you who've had success...
  5. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    Quote: Stu and Lucky say " uh, nooooooo" Clay, please tell your son that Lucky is now bigger than Stu - and he has his own 'harem'!
  6. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    Bullet is adorable!! But I want to see the new chicks too! Catherine
  7. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    ****news flash**** Lucky crowed this morning!!! He's hard to catch in a photo - a real speedy - his 'voice' is a bit hoarse...ragged even....but he's definitely crowing. Clay, I think you said he was born in April 09? And he's getting so big... proud chicken mama Catherine
  8. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    I actually have sold all my "mohawk" chicks. They are spangled and polish and only have a strip on there heads. So cool. But I can make more. oh that chick is adorable! I'm hoping that I'll have some babies by month's...
  9. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    just had the worst (strangest) scare ever....7a.m., sitting here surfing, drinking the first cuppa...and I hear Stu...really LOUD. I hadn't gone to the barn yet to do the daily chores so I couldn't imagine why I could hear him so closely. Head outside and find that the exterior steel door to...
  10. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    so sorry to hear about your hen, Flashpoint...must be done but I find it so terribly hard. TMF - glad to hear your fence issues are solved...did you get your new birds? I may have read through new posts too fast. Love Mama Orp and her brood! Clay's roos (Stu and Lucky) are doing well. Stu...
  11. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    Lilandra - Happy Birthday to your Steve! And I love 'your version' of the story too.... ***** yet another storm rolled through here last night but we avoided damage...good thing since last Friday's storm has caused 'leaky roof' syndrome. Clay's roos are adjusting pretty well...and they really...
  12. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    yep...that bad weather is moving in here too...reports of hail, high winds and tornado warning...again and again. Is everyone ok? love to see some photos of your new fence, TMR FlashpointFarm - your cheesecake sounds really good! here's a poor shot of Stu and some of the old biddies - they...
  13. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    I've had a couple of bad experiences with unsupervised free range....I never let the flock out when no one is home anymore (neighbor dogs) and even when I'm home I check on them every few hours - they can access the coop and the goat pen and have about 1/2 acre of fenced field. We have all...
  14. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    am wondering what that bright yellow orb in the sky is this morning....the one burning through the fog? Am hoping to get some beauty shots of the gorgeous roos Clay and his son gave me last Sunday. Stu and Lucky have adjusted well...Stu is taking his place as BMOC and its wonderful to hear him...
  15. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    Quote: Whoa - those are awfully pretty birds, Clay! Have worked outside all day - cannot believe this weather...the flock has been enjoying a breakfast buffet of japanese beetles....
  16. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    Glad to hear everyone made it through the storms ok...we've just finished up clearing downed trees/limbs and debris...and re-staking tomato plants! Power is back on but now something is wonky with the a/c. Am wondering if Clay's family is ok...couldn't connect with him yesterday. Your talk...
  17. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    thanks for the welcome Lilandra and Momof3....will be meeting up with Clay in the next week to take a roo home to my girls...guess we'll have to name him "Stockpot" Trying not to complain about the rain but ooo boy howdy its soggy here..... Catherine
  18. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    Hey Clay - I'd be interested in one of the Blue Wheaten AM roos....I'm in the QC on Sundays but could maybe sneak over there on a weekday... In addition to missing my morning roo wake up call, I'd like to try to hatch some eggs from my AM hens so a AM roo would be great. Catherine
  19. jerseyridgearts

    IA here

    Good Morning all - I'm 'over the river' in IL about 45 miles east of QC - small flock (>30) of hens (Ameracauna, assorted Orpingtons, Cuckoo Marans, RIR, Barred Rock. couple of Leghorns). Most of the IL forum folks are downstate so I've been reading the Iowa forum - you guys sure are fun...
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