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  1. verlaj

    1 week old chick gaping - STILL NEED ADVICE PLEASE-see pg 3 for status

    No need to be sorry - I was glad to hear of the chick that gaped and lived!
  2. verlaj

    1 week old chick gaping - STILL NEED ADVICE PLEASE-see pg 3 for status

    Thanks for your encouraging words. This chick is eating, growing, active - just has a really stuffed up nose! You can barely make out the nostrils. Now there is some redness over the left sinus - previously it was the right. I feel quite sure that the gaping is solely because her nose is...
  3. verlaj

    1 week old chick gaping - STILL NEED ADVICE PLEASE-see pg 3 for status

    Norwich - Got your PM - thanks - tried to reply but your inbox is full!
  4. verlaj

    1 week old chick gaping - STILL NEED ADVICE PLEASE-see pg 3 for status

    My chick is not acting sick. It eats, drinks, and is strong. It is growing. It is trying to fly out of the box. The rooster chick that I put with it for company has not gotten sick. I don't think there is much chance of the chick infecting the rest of the flock. The nostrils are tiny on...
  5. verlaj

    1 week old chick gaping - STILL NEED ADVICE PLEASE-see pg 3 for status

    Thanks - I'm hopeful, because the chick still seems strong and is eating and nobody else is sick. I am hoping to hear from someone that has seen something like this in a chick.
  6. verlaj

    1 week old chick gaping - STILL NEED ADVICE PLEASE-see pg 3 for status

    I still need advice on this chick, if anyone is able to help. It is still gaping, and I'm thinking it is doing that because its nasal passages are stopped up. It is still strong and eating, but opens its mouth to inhale much of the time. Initially I could see a little discoloration around the...
  7. verlaj

    1 week old chick gaping - STILL NEED ADVICE PLEASE-see pg 3 for status

    My chick is about the same. I read some today about using Oxine for a fog or mist for birds with upper respiratory infections. Any thoughts out there about that?
  8. verlaj

    1 week old chick gaping - STILL NEED ADVICE PLEASE-see pg 3 for status

    That's good news! I wish mine had responded so well to olive oil!
  9. verlaj

    1 week old chick gaping - STILL NEED ADVICE PLEASE-see pg 3 for status

    Status report this a.m. - the chick is still alive, still gaping slightly on inhalation, but somewhat better. Still eating and drinking, and all the other chicks still seem perfectly fine.
  10. verlaj

    1 week old chick gaping - STILL NEED ADVICE PLEASE-see pg 3 for status

    Sorry - new question. Instructions for Duramycin on the web are confusing. The dilution in drinking water ranges from 200 to 800 mg/gallon of water "per day." Duramycin is oxytetracycline. I got tetracycline for birds and the dose recommended for samll birds (canaries) is 250 mg/8 oz water...
  11. verlaj

    1 week old chick gaping - STILL NEED ADVICE PLEASE-see pg 3 for status

    The chick is still hanging in there, but still gaping. Just got home - got oxytetracycline for birds from PetSmart and will put it in the water now. The others still look perfect, so I will hold off on the antibiotics for them for now. Thanks for all the suggestions.
  12. verlaj

    1 week old chick gaping - STILL NEED ADVICE PLEASE-see pg 3 for status

    Thanks for the responses, all. I have separated the chick and put a little cockerel in there for company. The chick is still alive - seems to be gaping a little less than at 1:45 a.m.! Still does the occasional coarse chirp. Brooder is not too hot and the chick can move around to areas of...
  13. verlaj

    1 week old chick gaping - STILL NEED ADVICE PLEASE-see pg 3 for status

    Saw another post about a chick with similar signs and people were suggesting an impacted crop. My chick's crop is soft and fluctuant. I gave it a couple of drops of olive oil orally anyway, in case there is a piece of shavings in its esophagus or crop. The chick is pretty strong. Please let...
  14. verlaj

    1 week old chick gaping - STILL NEED ADVICE PLEASE-see pg 3 for status

    I got a good look in there and I can't see anything in the mouth or gullet. She looks awfully perky to have an infectious problem, but I do see some dry dark discoloration around her nostrils. The other Buff Wyandottes do not have this, so I think she had some kind of a nasal discharge. There...
  15. verlaj

    1 week old chick gaping - STILL NEED ADVICE PLEASE-see pg 3 for status

    I'll try. I was afraid of stressing it more. I'll check now.
  16. verlaj

    1 week old chick gaping - STILL NEED ADVICE PLEASE-see pg 3 for status

    I have a 1-week old Buff Wyandotte that I took out of the brooder tonight just to handle it and noticed that it was gaping while breathing. It also makes an occasional coarse chirp and shakes its head. I did not notice this before I took it out of the brooder. It is one of 19 chicks...
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