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  1. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Well all nine eggs hatched and I think I got two to three blues. I gave the chicks to a broody silkie and she was pleased to be gifted them. That is the first time I have gifted chicks to a hen so was happy it went well. The coop got finished in time too.
  2. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Make that three black chicks. Their brooder is pretty well finished, it just needs a latch/bolt thing on one door and some windows. I have a photo of yesterday's progress but I can't post it from my phone so I'll do it later.
  3. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    As of right now I have two chicks out, one zipping and two pips. I'm pretty sure both the chicks are black. I really hope I get at least one blue.
  4. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Well the chicks are now screaming at me through their egg to hurry up and get their home finished. And I am proud to say that it is almost done :D Here's a pic of it so far. Excuse the messy shed. It's going to have three doors; a tiny one for chooks to fit through, the top one that you can...
  5. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Why hello everybody. Spring has sprung here as far as the chickens go. My first chick hatched about a week ago, a blue Australorp, and a mighty cute one at that. I have another nine Australorp eggs in the incubator that are due to hatch in three or four days, problem is I want a little silkie...
  6. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Hi aussie Pete, I incubate quite a bit. Unless you are going to start hatching commercially then a cardboard box and a normal desk lamp with 40 watt bulb will do. If you have heaps of chicks then use two lamps. I'll try and find a picture of the setups I used to use.
  7. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Yeah they will, Forgot to mention that. The chooks will also start dropping and squatting at you, an action they do for a rooster to mount them. Chooks with no rooster around tend to drop and squat at people while chooks who are or have been in with rooster don't.
  8. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    If they are molting then you will not get eggs from them. chickens don't lay whilst molting. Also chooks lay less to not at all during winter. Chickens need a certain amount of light a day to make an egg and in winter the days are shorter so egg production drops dramatically. Some people put...
  9. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    I joined and added myself in the breeder directory but have forgotten my password. I've tried everything, it's very frustrating, especially when I want to change my information in the directory.
  10. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Have you tried the breeders directory on backyard poulty? I always go there first when looking for new breeds.
  11. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Well it's a done deal now anyway as we've paid the deposit on both of them. I thought about rescues but most have issues that are hard to fix and research has shown that the training (or lack of) that a puppy goes through from 8-16 weeks sticks with them forever. The dogs, especially the...
  12. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    The girl was sold when we called so now we have a little (or should I say big) boy. I can't wait to get them both. I love puppies but I LOVE older dogs even more. It will be good to get the puppy stage over and done with together instead of doing it one after the other. We've never had a big...
  13. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Only one week left untill we pick up our little man from the airport. We found our big dog breed as well; a portuguese water dog. So we are making the final decision very soon as to if we will be putting the last girl left on hold to be picked up on the 5th of march. I have a feeling i'm going...
  14. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Here's a picture of one of my newest chicks.
  15. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Well we origionally wanted a female, but couldn't find any within driving distance. This breeder in New Zealand, her Maltese look a lot different to the usual. They are about half the size as the normal ones too. To we thought that if we were going get a puppy flown from somewhere then why pick...
  16. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    We Have a puppy!!!!!! Well, sort of. We chose to go for a maltese, Found a breeder with the cutest ones I've ever seen, ever. Now we have a little 5 1/2 week old boy waiting in New Zealand. Yes, you read that right.... New Zealand. Two and a bit weeks into February he will be flown to the...
  17. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    She's beautiful She fits in very well in your kitchen with her blue earlobes Fredo is gorgeous too. He seems like a character!
  18. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Aww She sounds beautiful. I absolutely love her name. If I could describe a silkies personality in one word then it would probably be darling. I'm glad she and Oli are getting on well. Thats always handy, one of our dogs is a chicken killer. He just gets possessed and there's no snapping him...
  19. guinea fowl galore

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Yay!!! What colour is she going to be? And how old? How are you going to do the introducing procces with Oli? Glad your hubby made it to and from work safely. It is still raining here this morning, not as heavy as yesterday but it's constant. I hope this week goes fast.
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