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  1. littlelemon

    When do chicks begin to roost?

    They are roosting now. I did as the other poster suggested and placed them on the roost each night. They got the hang of it really quickly. Do they really need 18" per bird? Mine all huddle together to keep warm and they seem to have plenty of room. I have 10 birds(soon to be 9) and 2...
  2. littlelemon

    When do chicks begin to roost?

    Quote: I used a broomstick in my chick tractor before I moved them to the big girls coop. They would sit on it and play, but never sleep on it. I thought it was a maturity thing.
  3. littlelemon

    When do chicks begin to roost?

    Quote: Thank you. I went in and put them on the roost last night, and they stayed there (except for our runt, who jumped right off). I don't know if they slept there, but I am willing to place them on the roost at night until they get it. I don't like them sleeping in the droppings pit under...
  4. littlelemon

    When do chicks begin to roost?

    My 8 chicks are almost 3 months old. I have recently combined them in the coop with my two hens. I thought that once they were in there they would begin to roost at night, but they still just pile up on each other in the corner of the coop(in the droppings pit ). I didn't think that I would...
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