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  1. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    Thank you, I will do that.
  2. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    Thank you, that is very informative. I'll have to take a deep breath....I've got 4 more (I hope) coming from the same 4h kid I got my last 4 from. He's got very healthy, very hardy birds...I was impressed with the first 4 I got. I've got more question unrelated to this last episode that...
  3. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    Vet said it was likely a mammary tumor? Or something like that? Guess I wasn't paying much attention to her at that point..... Will my other birds die now too?
  4. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    Well , just got back from the vet....did subq fluids first, then took the x-ray because we felt something and thought she was egg bound.....nope....cancer and lots of it. Well, at least masses. I humanely put her out of her misery. Thanks for everything... Shannon
  5. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    tplummer, that's terrible, I'm so sorry. She is getting electrolytes : ) I think it's working. Got my fingers and toes crossed. Her nails seem really long, can I clip them?
  6. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    OMG.....this morning she is MUCH spunkier.....did not want to cooperate with the beak dipping!!! I think she is blind though. How does a perfectly spunky bird (for the entire almost 1 1/2 yrs that I've owned her) go blind overnight? There are no injuries to her eyes or anywhere else. Still...
  7. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    Janine, Thank you....I will not be doing anymore yogurt until she's wanting it herself. The beakdipping goes better than the syringe, so I will do more of that as well. THANK YOU, EVERYONE!!!!
  8. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    THreehorses, thank you so much for the information.....I'll print it out and bring it with me. I really appreciate that so much! Whoever said that abou tthe milk, thank you....I will quit the milk. THe vet was reading out of an aviary book when she told me about htat....something about...
  9. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    Thank you. Can anyone answer the lifespan of a chicken?
  10. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    Okay, so here's the deal. There is something def wrong with her eyesight. I'm locking her in the dog kennel tonight with water of course (though I'll doubt she'll drink it)....and before I wash her tomorrow I'll get a poop sample from her. My vet that I work for is going to take a look at her...
  11. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    Unfortunatley, my house is occupied by the 3 golden retriever hunting dogs of which one of them killed my Leah. I have no way of getting her in the house......even if I kenneled them - their barking knowing a hen was in the house would stress her to the point of no return I"m sure. I'll...
  12. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    Forgot to add that drop by drop I got about 3cc's of the elec.water mix into her....I know it's not much....but she wasn't a people kind of chicken so she's nervous with me holding her = maybe we'll be best buds after this. Also, it's supposed to be about 90 degrees and pure humidity...
  13. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    Janine, I'm definetly worried. Believe it or not, I'm a vet tech.......for small animals - not including chickens or birds of any kind. This board is extremely informational and I am learning so much. I just got back from the store and some plain yogurt and some...
  14. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    Went out to check on her again and checked her had dried and some wet green poo. So I guess she is sick. I washed her bum with warm water and dried her off. I dipped her beak in the water and she definetly drinks. She is NOT sneezing and does not have any discharge from beak or...
  15. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    Boy am I a dummy. My girl is all normal this morning, still doesn't want to go outside but is scratching - eating and drinking in the coup and wouldn't let me catch her (very normal for her). So , but also :rolleyes:for me! She's being broody.....but she must be very bad at it, because she...
  16. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    Oooh...courtney! I hope so, you think thats possible? I would hate to lose another so soon after my Leah. Thanks.....this gives me some hope. I'll check on her first thing in the morning and if she is pulling any of this sick crap I'm giving her water and yogurt. Thanks everyone.
  17. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    Okay, I've got some syringes and will try this. There is no way I could drown her could I? Just syringe some water into her mouth, right? Sorry, know that sounds dumb.....but I'm new to this chicken thing. I should know more than I do. How long do chickens live? She was acting normal...
  18. shannonb

    Think one of my hens is dying.....

    She's been in the dog kennel where they all lay there eggs ( so much for my nice wooden nesting boxes).....for about 5 days or so now. Thought she was being broody, but tonight when I went to move her she almost fell over. Picked her up and took her out of the kennel and it was like she wasn't...
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