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  1. Guinea Goonie

    Mean male guinea...will it get better? doesn't help matters that the Hooligan roosters are all trying to mate every guinea. Which is insane, because they are scared of the pullets! .................. Oh my, Female Guineas usually mate to ONE male Guinea. If your roos are trying to mate a female Guinea that has...
  2. Guinea Goonie

    Mean male guinea...will it get better?

    Quote: Have you sexed your Guineas ? I sex mine before I put them in the barn. I use leg bands for the females and clip the males waddles with a nail clipper (a small v shape) If you have this done, take the males (at roost) to a cage for a few days. See if you can get some peace this way...
  3. Guinea Goonie

    Mean male guinea...will it get better?

    You are probably experiencing the "pecking order" of your flock. Even the Guinea fowl get in on the action. If your male does not relentlessly chase the roos and other Guinea males you are going to be fine. If however you see him chasing all the time (and make darn sure it is the same bird...
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