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  1. buc

    Is anyone here using thier wood stove yet?!

    Quote: Try this calculator to give you a really good idea of just how much wood you have put up, and then in the coming year you will have an idea of what you might want to increase it by to have a safe amount for the next heating year.
  2. buc

    Is anyone here using thier wood stove yet?! I wish I could find a better on line calculator but the one above is pretty good for figuring the cost of wood heat vs, other fuels.
  3. buc

    Is anyone here using thier wood stove yet?!

    Quote: Wow, It's hard to believe that some lumphead would actually take the hardwood that he cut down, and pay some one like the dump ecetera to take it off his hands. If they don't burn wood themselves and did not want to split it you would think they would at least place an ad in the paper...
  4. buc

    Is anyone here using thier wood stove yet?!

    Ok, I understand this is an old thread but it seems to me to be a very timely one given that we are for the most part in the middle of the heating season. I love to hear my friends talk of higher heating bills and lowering the thermistat in thier homes in an attempt to save money. I normally...
  5. buc

    Is anyone here using thier wood stove yet?!

    I will be moving more wood into the basement this afternoon, the weather here in good ole Kansas is about to get wet and much colder. I much rather do the work of bringing in wood then burning propane.
  6. buc

    Is anyone here using thier wood stove yet?!

    Yep, yesterday it was 65 and sunny, today 55 and mostly cloudy, with a stiff north wind and falling temps. The cows are staying close to the hay feeder (not a good sign).
  7. buc

    Is anyone here using thier wood stove yet?!

    Well, in my part of the world it is going to freeze, so today I brought into the house enough wood for a few days to stay nice and toasty warm.
  8. buc

    Is anyone here using thier wood stove yet?!

    Like a people we are different in our approach to becoming more independant. My main wood source was my own land, but then a friend of mine told me of a county re-cycling program that was just getting started. The stated goal was to reduce landfill waste. The outcome was that people take their...
  9. buc

    Is anyone here using thier wood stove yet?!

    Quote: My mom turned us into gardeners by feeding us veggies from a can :o, then feeding us the same things from the garden. We knew that one way or another we were going to have to eat vegetables, and we darn sure wanted the tasty garden ones over the mushy canned things! I wish I knew...
  10. buc

    Is anyone here using thier wood stove yet?!

    Grandmothers are a wealth of information and wisedom. I have a black walnut cookie recipee from my mother's mother, I just love it.
  11. buc

    Is anyone here using thier wood stove yet?!

    Quote: Yes Dear, We are those you added as well. I wonder how you came by yours? Mine came from my father that never earned a lot of money, raised 6 kids and had to make do. He would take me to the store with him and show me the cost of fresh produce, then he would take me home to our...
  12. buc

    Is anyone here using thier wood stove yet?!

    Quote: I have found that there are some common threads that run thru the people that have chickens. We are as a group are cookers, we like things from our own hand to go into our cooking and into our families. We look for was to save money, like heating with a renewable source of heat like...
  13. buc

    Is anyone here using thier wood stove yet?!

    3peeps, DW and I have used a wood burning furnace for over 16 years now, we burn aroung 4 cords of wood per year. Last night was the first night I put a full load because the overnight temp was to drop to the upper 20's, we have propane fuel as the backup to the wood heat. Aobut 90 percent of...
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