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    Different POULTRY Living Together? Which FOWL Types **UPDATE**

    I think Soccermom nailed it.... Yes that sounds safer. Unless your pen is HUGE, you not only risk issues, but the animals won't behave naturally and you might miss out on a lot of the fun stuff by not seperating them.

    Different POULTRY Living Together? Which FOWL Types **UPDATE**

    They can take up the least amount of room of most any pheasant. The SMALLEST I have mine in is a 16longx16widex6ft tall foot pen with 3 hens and a male. I have a pair in a pen thats 12x12x16. Quail can go in with just about anything. Valley that is. I don't raise Gambels at all but hear...

    Different POULTRY Living Together? Which FOWL Types **UPDATE**

    I don't know where his ducks sleep, probably in a little coop, or in their little pond......

    Different POULTRY Living Together? Which FOWL Types **UPDATE**

    It really depends on your set-up or spread. Are you free ranging or penning them. How big is your avairy? That sort of thing. For instance, my father has ducks,peafowl, turkeys, chickens, chukars and pheasants (along with wild quail) all together in his barnyard. The peafowl roost in his...
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