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  1. Quail_Antwerp

    An angry, out of state family member called CPS on me...

    OH I almost forgot, they saw our garden and all the produce we have harvested, and they couldn't believe it! They thought our poultry were really cool, too.
  2. Quail_Antwerp

    An angry, out of state family member called CPS on me...

    CASE CLOSED!!!!!!!!!! CPS came this morning, and they spent a good hour talking with me and dh outside. They were nice and took our concerns seriously. They understood that we were afraid that the allegations would mean they'd take our kids. Well, he said here's the deal, if we see your kids...
  3. Quail_Antwerp

    An angry, out of state family member called CPS on me...

    Quote: Uh, I do believe the entire country has the same constitutional rights, correct? Child protective services is NOT EXEMPT from the constitution. I have a constitutional right to privacy, and they can only violate that right if they have a search warrant. No one, not the police, not cps...
  4. Quail_Antwerp

    An angry, out of state family member called CPS on me...

    Quote: Well, I already know what the allegations are, and the only thing on the list that was true was a half truth (said I had farm animals in the house, pooping on the floor. I have chicks in the house, in an enclosed brooder, they can't fly out). I've already met the lady once, as she...
  5. Quail_Antwerp

    An angry, out of state family member called CPS on me...

    So tomorrow is the day........CPS is coming at 10 am. I'm not sure how this will work out, but here we are, been looking for a new place to move to for MONTHS and not getting anywhere with that, and wouldn't you know we find a place on FRIDAY! We're taking it, though. So when she gets here...
  6. Quail_Antwerp

    An angry, out of state family member called CPS on me...

    Quote: No, not allowing them in doesn't make the complaint true, but it does make it difficult for them to get physical evidence to use against you. Maxx, my inlaws have been trying to force us out of our home because they want the property we live on. ETA: I'm not going to post what the...
  7. Quail_Antwerp

    An angry, out of state family member called CPS on me...

    Quote: Legally, they have no right to come into my home. This is a pattern with my inlaws. Everytime they get upset with us, they report us to CPS. CPS has to legally have a warrant, obtained by physical evidence, to enter your home, unless you invite them in. Once you invite them in, they can...
  8. Quail_Antwerp

    An angry, out of state family member called CPS on me...

    It really irritates me that people can't mind their own business. We supposedly live in America, where we are supposed to have the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and we have the right to privacy. Someone (and we're pretty sure we know who) violated my right to privacy. They...
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