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  1. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    FINALLY, eveyone who is coming out is out. The last of the two delayed marans came out (with a bit of help) yesterday afternoon. Total count is 15 chicks, 100% hatch on the EE x and RIR x and 80% on the marans. After 3 days of hatching I am ready for a rest. Of course, that incubator is so nasty...
  2. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    One of the two remaining marans is out now, with a little help from me. I hate intervening but it was starting to make it's round around the egg so thought I would help him out, just in case. The last marans is still doing well inside the egg. Peeping and fidgiting so I hope it will be out later...
  3. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    Today is day 23 and I still have two eggs left unhatched. When I got home last night I found that four of the marans eggs had not pipped. After candling I found two were dead and two were still moving around. I made small pips for the two live ones and could see the chicks breathing and heard...
  4. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    Hi Katy, Sorry, I misread your post and thought you said you got a black instead of blue. I was up too early watching chicks! (the fluffy kind) Regarding the egg color vs. cuckoo, it all depends on the line. From what I understand, the copper blacks have had better color set than the cuckoo...
  5. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    Thanks Christina! Got it changed. Regarding the egg cartons, yes that it what they are hatching in. I hatched the eggs this way because they were not drying down properly (see 1st post) and wanted to prevent drowning any way I could. Luckily, they did dry down enough that it was not a concern by...
  6. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    Hi Katy, When you are dealing with blue you can get black as well. Regarding the coloration, here is a pic of my roo at 12 weeks: The most recent photo of him is at 6 months. They start out slowly and then color up fast. Unfortunately, the amount of color can vary from bird to bird...
  7. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    Actually, I have been trying to figure out how to do that but can't find a way to edit the title. Is there a way?
  8. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    Here is a shot of some of the first little guys to go into th brooder. And then I managed to get a couple quick shots of some of my CB Marans hens: And lastly, a shot of Cooper (Proud Daddy of all the little chicks) this morning: Richard
  9. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    I woke up this morning to discover one of the marans had hatched and two were in the process of zipping out. Another of the EE cross was out as well. That leaves one EE cross (now pipped) and 5 marans (1 is pipped). Today is day 22 but, as they say, better late than never! I'll try to get some...
  10. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    Thanks for the compliments! I took those pictures of my adult birds a couple weeks ago and never got my hens in a good light. I will try again and post them when I can. Getting the pics of the eggs was easy with the clear top of the incubator. Speaking of which, I just had #7 hatch a bit ago and...
  11. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    Just got home and am up to 5 chicks and 2 new pips. I still have all 8 Marans left to pip (candled again this a.m. and still moving around) plus one more EE cross to pip. I think the Marans are going to be a day late. I am so happy with how this hatch is going compared to previous hatches last...
  12. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    The color of the marans egg varies so much depending on what line you get your stock from. I do believe that there are more lines of the BC that have good color than the cuckoo but not all BC have good color. I was thrilled that my eggs just won best of show at the Syracuse show a couple weeks...
  13. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    Thanks, The photos were taken through the top of the incubator - it's one of the 'full view' hovabators. I love that machine! Regarding candling the dark eggs, what I use is one of those 1,000,000 candle power flashlights. I took a plastic flower pot/hanging basket, cut a hole in the bottom and...
  14. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    Things have been going pretty quickly this morning! In the few minutes it took me to upload the last pics I had one zipping and another starting: Almost Out! Wow! That was exhausting!
  15. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    Took a few quick shots of what is going on:
  16. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    I've got one RIR/CB Marans chick stumbling around with one more of those pipped and 5 of the EE/CB Marans pipped as well! The only ones yet to pip are the full blood CB Marans, the whole reason for this incubation in the first place. Hopefully later today! Richard
  17. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    Well, things are looking more hopeful today. Over the last 24 hours the air cells really opened up so I have brought my humidity back up. I have two eggs pipped and peeping and several more have internally pipped! Tomorrow is day 21 and I am hoping to wake up to maybe a chick or 2! Richard
  18. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    I've actually been doing just that. My humidity is down to 18% for the last few days but I don't think I will get the drying I am looking for. I will have to watch them carefully and probably add a bit of water once they start pipping (if they start pipping). Richard
  19. MaransGuy

    Day 19 and Worried - NOT worried anymore!

    Well I have been reading everyone else's posts over the last few days and decided to post about mine. I have a batch of copper black Marans and a few EE x cb marans at day 19. I am a bit worried though, as the air cells have not dried down the way I would have liked. I did not think my humidity...
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