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  1. hollymh

    Help? Sores on Neck and Face???

    Quote: You can if you wish, or not. I know some experienced chicken handlers do, though I am not sure why. I did not. You probably already know that the litertaure says there is no treatment. It will run its course, then the lesions simply go away, and at that point the literature says...
  2. hollymh

    Help? Sores on Neck and Face???

    Ok, so I checked everyone and I'm pretty sure it is Avian pox. So what now, just wait it out or should I go ahead and vaccinate everyone?
  3. hollymh

    Help? Sores on Neck and Face???

    Quote: Will do, I'm going out to check now. Thank you
  4. hollymh

    Help? Sores on Neck and Face???

    My 7wk olds have sores on thier little faces and necks, it appears to only be on my two turkens what could this be? I looked every where online and found nothing. Please advise? I will post pics in about 10mins, I have to go out and get them. Thanks I feel really awful because I noticed skin...
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